Foundations of Linguistics
Foundations of Language Learning
Planning & Implementing Instruction
Assessment & Evaluation
Culture, Professionalism, & Advocacy

A High School ESOL teacher gives students

a worksheet that asks them which word that they

 should emphasize when answering a question.

The primary purpose of the work sheet is to

provide instruction on

(A) morphology

(B) stress

(C) intonation

(D) syllabication



An EL approaches the ESOL teacher and

says, “Give me a piece of paper.” The EL’s

utterance is best characterized as an error in _____.

(A) article usage

(B) word order

(C) register

(D) conjugation



Which of the following makes the greatest use

of active participation, including gestures and

body movement?

(A) Grammar Translation

(B) Total Physical Response

(C) Suggestopedia

(D) The Direct Method

Total Physical Response


Mr. Lewis, a new ESL teacher, is evaluating

several assessments that were used by the

previous ESL teacher. Because of the diverse

cultural backgrounds of his students, Mr.

Lewis wants to ensure that the assessments

he chooses to incorporate into the curriculum

do not exhibit any cultural bias. Which of the

following is the most appropriate question for

Mr. Lewis to use as a guideline when

screening the assessments for cultural bias?

(A) Was the ESL teacher who designed the

assessments fluent in more than one


(B) Will the students need a high level of

sociopragmatic competence to complete

the assessments?

(C) Are the scores that students received on

the assessments in the past reliable?

(D) Do the assessments separate content area

learning from language learning?

Will the students need a high level of

sociopragmatic competence to complete

the assessments?


Which of the following court cases resulted in

a ruling that district-implemented programs

for ELs must be evaluated for effectiveness?

(A) Lau v. Nichols

(B) Brown v. Board of Education

(C) Plyler v. Doe

(D) Castañeda v. Pickard

Plyler v. Doe


The following is based on an excerpt from an

EL’s essay about a summer job. "Mr. Hunter also a

 good president. Since Mr. Hunter had big

 confidence, he led the company fluently." 

The errors in the second sentence primarily


(A) word choice

(B) word structure

(C) word order

(D) word spelling

word choice


Which of the following terms refers to how the

level of a language learner’s negative feelings

and motivation correlates to his or her ability

to acquire new language skills?

(A) Deductive reasoning

(B) Extrinsic reinforce

(C) Affective filter

(D) Self-regulated learning

Affective Filter



Mr. Abbott notices that a few of his ESL

students have not been doing classwork or

homework assignments because they lack

motivation to learn about certain topics. Mr.

Abbott can best increase his students’

intrinsic motivation to learn by

(A) offering them verbal praise after they

complete an assignment properly

(B) rewarding them with a small prize after

they successfully complete a certain

number of assignments

(C) determining their interests and

incorporating those interests into

classroom lessons

(D) calling their parents to inform them of the

missing assignments

determining their interests and

incorporating those interests into

classroom lessons


An ESL teacher plans to evaluate the

students’ midyear progress by referencing

various examples of their work taken from the

current semester. Which of the following will

most accurately assist the teacher in

assessing the students’ English-language


(A) Standardized test scores that

demonstrate ESL students’ academic

performance in specific content areas

(B) Report card grades and comments from

all content area classroom teachers

(C) Individualized portfolios that include all

essays, presentation rubrics, and tests

(D) A norm-referenced midterm exam that

was recently administered to ESL


Individualized portfolios that include all

essays, presentation rubrics, and tests


Which of the following behaviors is most

consistent with culture shock?

(A) An EL prefers learning activities that

feature pictures, graphic organizers, and

film clips to present content-area topics.

(B) An EL appears nervous and frustrated in

his or her new surroundings and

expresses a desire to return to the home


(C) An EL prefers learning activities that

feature bodily movement and

manipulatives that reinforce academic


(D) An EL appears to emphasize the context

of a conversation, including gestures,

facial expressions, and tone of voice,

when communicating.

An EL appears nervous and frustrated in

his or her new surroundings and

expresses a desire to return to the home



A teacher listened to an ESOL student read the 

following sentence aloud.

"He finally went to bed."

(Student pronounces “bed” as [bεt])

The error in pronunciation in the word “bed”

indicates a problem with

(A) final intonation patterns

(B) places of articulation

(C) voiced and voiceless sounds

(D) word stress patterns

voiced and voiceless sounds


Subtractive bilingualism is most likely to occur

in second-language learners who

(A) have difficulty understanding contentarea


(B) have little opportunity to continue using

their first language

(C) work to maintain the customs of their

home cultures

(D) had limited formal schooling in their

home countries

have little opportunity to continue using

their first language


An ESL teacher is conducting a lesson on the

woolly mammoth. Sandra, an intermediate level

EL, is having trouble taking notes on the

characteristics of the animal during the

lesson. Based on Sandra’s needs, the ESL

teacher should provide her with a

(A) graphic organizer with a word bank

about the woolly mammoth

(B) collection of photographs of the woolly


(C) multiple-choice work sheet about the

woolly mammoth

(D) textbook passage on the woolly

mammoth from a lower grade level

graphic organizer with a word bank

about the woolly mammoth


A social studies teacher plans to administer a chapter test that includes multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Which of the following testing accommodations would be most appropriate for the intermediate-level ELs in the class? 

(A) Permitting the ELs to use the test study guide during the test 

(B) Allowing the ELs to take the test in their native languages 

(C) Allotting the ELs more time to complete the test

(D) Reducing the number of questions on the ELs’ version of the test

Allotting the ELs more time to complete the test


Which THREE of the following strategies can an ESOL teacher use to most effectively create a culturally responsive classroom?

(A) Reflecting on the influence that their personal bias has on student expectations 

(B) Devising ways to reward student participation to encourage speaking 

(C) Integrating a wide range of curricular content 

(D) Becoming familiar with students’ prior knowledge

Options (A), (C), and (D) are correct. For (A), this approach guides teachers to understand that student behavior is influenced by culture. For (C) and (D), both strategies guide teachers to understand that student behavior can be influenced by factors related to settings that resemble their own communities.


Which of the following is the best example of an error in sociolinguistic competence? 

(A) An EL wants to borrow a pen from the teacher’s desk and says, “I need this” while taking it. 

(B) An EL doesn’t know the word for “highway” and describes it as “the big road where there are a lot of cars.” 

(C) A native English speaker asks an EL where the EL was born, and the EL responds “I am come from Europe.” 

(D) An EL wants to say “Watch out for the curb” but produces the sentence “Watch out for the curve.”

An EL wants to borrow a pen from the teacher’s desk and says, “I need this” while taking it.


Which of the following best summarizes the

critical period hypothesis?

(A) Assimilation to a new culture usually

occurs during a small window of time.

(B) The ease with which one acquires nativelike

proficiency correlates to a biological

timetable that is connected to age.

(C) Optimal language acquisition occurs

when learners are exposed to the L2 for

at least 50 percent of their day.

(D) L2 grammar is taught most effectively

when learners participate in a series of

translation activities for the first six

months of study.

The ease with which one acquires nativelike

proficiency correlates to a biological

timetable that is connected to age.


Mr. Jenkins, an ESL teacher, recently took his

students on a field trip to a museum. The

following day, Mr. Jenkins asks the class to

recount their trip to the museum as he

transcribes their dictated speech. Next, Mr.

Jenkins distributes copies of the

transcriptions and has students work in

groups to find and correct errors. Finally, he

has the students expand the corrected

transcriptions into a narrative essay as a

homework assignment. Which of the following

best describes the instructional approach

being utilized by Mr. Jenkins?

(A) Language experience approach

(B) Multisensory approach

(C) Natural approach

(D) Phonics approach

Language experience approach


Which of the following situations most likely indicates that an EL may require testing for special education services? 

(A) The EL often shifts from one language to another when speaking. 

(B) The EL exhibits an English-language pattern that is highly unusual compared to that of others who speak the same L1.

(C) The EL’s ability to communicate simple ideas in English is impeded by a heavy accent. 

(D) The EL is hesitant to speak and does not participate in most classroom discussions. 

The EL exhibits an English-language pattern that is highly unusual compared to that of others who speak the same L1.


In contrast to collectivist cultures, individualist cultures are more likely to 

(A) emphasize the importance of learning a second language 

(B) maintain their traditional customs as globalization becomes more pervasive 

(C) prioritize the needs of social institutions in their society 

(D) regard personal ambition and initiation favorably

Regard personal ambition and initiation favorably


People across the United States use a variety of terms to refer to sugary, flavored carbonated beverages, including “soda,” “pop,” and “soft drink.” Which of the following best identifies this occurrence? 

(A) Code-switching 

(B) Dialect variation

(C) Language register 

(D) Jargon

Dialect variation


Mr. Lambert, an elementary ESOL teacher, provides his students with the following worksheet and a handful of plastic tokens. 

First, Mr. Lambert says the word that names the first picture on the worksheet, “bee.” Then, he instructs students to quietly repeat the word to themselves and segment the word into its distinct sounds. Once the students have identified the distinct sounds in the word, they move one token for each sound into a box above the picture. Finally, Mr. Lambert asks the class to share which sounds they recognize in the word “bee,” and he moves on to the next picture on the worksheet. 

The activity is most appropriate for students in which of the following stages of second language acquisition? 

(A) Early production

(B) Speech emergence 

(C) Intermediate fluency 

(D) Advanced fluency  


Early production


A first grade teacher recently welcomed a new EL named Hassan into the classroom. Hassan’s records show that he had limited exposure to English classes in his home country and is currently functioning at the beginning level of English-language proficiency. Which of the following instructional strategies would most appropriately assist Hassan in increasing his communication skills? 

(A) Providing Hassan with a study guide that includes all topics discussed in class 

(B) Supplying Hassan with an English dictionary and a thesaurus to use during activities

(C) Having Hassan use pictures and gestures when interacting with others

(D) Setting the expectation that Hassan must respond in English when called on in class

Having Hassan use pictures and gestures when interacting with others


Which is not an example of an informal method for assessing receptive and productive language skills?

A. Running Records 

B. Portfolios 

C. Statewide standardized assessments

D. Anecdotal Notes 

Statewide standardized assessments


What landmark case in 1981 set forth a three-pronged test to determine if a school district is providing adequate services to English Language Learners? The test requires that the program be based on sound educational theory, be implemented effectively with adequate resources, and produce results indicating that ELLs are learning English and academic content. 

Castañeda v. Pickard
