Program Models 1
Program Models 2

It can be taught to intermediate or advanced level ELLs. It is taught in ways that is tailored to each student where it comprehensible and specially designed academic instruction.

What is sheltered instruction


This is were ELLs students are taken out of their classrooms with specialized instruction with the English language and is primarily used with ELLs that are in Elementary grade levels.

What is ESL Pull out?


It is an educational approach where children can most easily acquire fluency in a second language by first acquiring fluency in their native language and then English.

What is Transitional Bilingual Education?


The goal of this program model is that students from an English-only background and students from another language background will each become proficient in the other language as well as their own. This program is best to start in Elementary school for best results.

What is Two-way bilingual?


The goal of this organizational model is to develop some proficiency in the native language and full proficiency in English. The instruction gradually transitions into full English language.

What is Developmental Bilingual Education (Late Exit or Maintenance Bilingual)?


This is a type of program model in which a  second-language specialist (ESL or ELD teacher) comes  into classrooms to team-teach or turn-teach with the mainstream classroom teacher for the benefit of the ELLs in the  classroom.

What is ESL push-in?


A model for sheltered instruction designed to promote cognitively challenging content and language learning.

What is SDAIE (Specifically Designed Academic Instruction in English)


A program model of bilingual education that uses two or more languages in content areas.

What is Dual Language?
