Ponerse: la ropa/ el piyama/ la chaqueta
to put on: clothes/pajamas/jacket
to make the bed
hacer la cama
to get dressed
to get up
to paint: your nails/lips/lipstick/hair
pintarse: las unas/los labios/el pelo
lavarse: la cara/ las manos/ el pelo
to wash: your face/hands hair
to dust
limpiar el polvo
to clean the table off
guitar la mesa
to put on makeup/makeup
to dry: your hair/hands/body
secarse: el pelo/las manos/el cuerpo
to go to bed
to vacuum
pasar la aspiradora
to take out the trash
sacar la basora
to set the table
poner la mesa
to feed the dog
allimentar a las mascotas
to cut the grass
cortar el cesped
to get ready
to brush: you teeth/hair
cepillarse: los dientes/el pelo
to prepare the food
prepara la comida
to fix the room
arreglar la habitacion
to fold the clothes
doblar la ropa
to wake up
to shower
look at yourself mirror
lavar los platos
to wash the clothes