The proper present tense conjugation of the verb beber for the subject << tu perro >>
What is bebe?
In Spanish, infinitives end in: _____, _____, or _____.
What is -ar, -er, or -ir.
The proper present tense conjugation of the "él/ella" form of the verb ver.
What is ve?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "tú" form of the verb estar. Spell the conjugated form of ESTAR.
What is estás? with an accent on the A.
The singular subject pronouns in Spanish
What is: yo, tú, él, ella and usted.
The proper present tense conjugation for "Sra Wall" with the verb hablar.
Extra 100 pts
What is habla?
The proper present tense conjugation for the "nosotros" form of the verb pedir.
What is pedimos?
To create the present tense of regular verbs, drop the -ar, -er, -ir from the ________ and add the correct ending.
What is stem? or What is the infinitive?
Complete: María y mi iguana _________ (cantar) con la música.
What is cantan?
The proper present tense conjugation of the verb correr for the subject María y yo
What is corremos?
The proper present tense conjugation of the " mis padres y tus hermanos " form of the verb escribir.
What is escriben?
The plural subject pronouns in Spanish:
What is nosotros, nosotras, ustedes, ellos, ellas?
How you complete "Tomás y tú ______ (escuchar) música" AND give the subject pronoun with it.
What is ustedes escuchan? or What is escuchan and ustedes?
You are asking a question OF Sra Wall and would write, Señora Wall, ¿___________________ (correr) en el parque?" and use the correct subject pronoun.
EXTRA 100 PTS for first correct answer.
What is corre and usted?
How you complete "Paco, mis padres y yo" _______ (escribir) la agenda."
What is escribimos?
The forms of the verb estar does NOT have accent mark
What is estoy and estamos?
The endings are the same for -er and -ir verbs except for in the : ______________ and ______________ forms.
What is nosotros and nosotras?