This color in Spanish is "rojo."
What is "Red."
The word, "parque" means what in English?
What is playground / park.
This letter, the first in the Spanish alphabet, is called "a."
What is A?
The number "uno" in Spanish means this in English.
What is one?
This emotion, "triste" in Spanish, is the opposite of happy.
What is sad?
This color in Spanish is, "azul."
What is, "Blue."
The English word for, "el cafe."
What is the Spanish name for the 15th letter in the alphabet?
What is, "O."
In Spanish, "cinco" translates to this number.
What is five?
If you feel "cansado" in Spanish, you are experiencing this emotion.
What is, "tired."
In Spanish, "blanco" refers to this color.
What is, "White."
The Spanish word for, "hospital."
What is, "Hospital." (Silent 'h')
This letter is pronounced "ho-tuh" in Spanish.
What is, "J."
This number is "seis" in Spanish.
What is six?
The Spanish word for "happy."
What is, "feliz."
The Spanish word for green is what?
What is, "verde."
The Spanish word for where you check out books.
What is, "la biblioteca."
This letter in the Spanish alphabet is not in the English alphabet.
What is, "Ñ?"
The number 10 in Spanish.
What is, "diez."
The Spanish word "sorprendido" describes this emotion you feel when something unexpected happens.
What is surprised?
The Spanish word for orange is this.
What is, "anaranjado/ naranja."
The Spanish word for, "bakery."
What is, "la panaderia."
What is, "H."
The number 9 in Spanish.
What is, "nueve."
In Spanish, "enojado" describes this feeling.
What is angry?