features of an experiment
types of studies/experiments

 5G wireless technology causes the covid 19 virus is ax example of WHAT

What is pseudoscience (E)


Fill in the blanks: The WHAT is the variable in an experiment that is changed? 

 What is independent variable (D)


 Fill in the blanks: the WHAT is the direct cause-and-effect relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable and comes before the effect? 

what is causation (D)


A student opens an email from his professor that’s an online questionnaire to all undergraduate students asking a series of questions about mental health and gathering data about their sleeping patterns, social relationships, and overall well-being. What is being given to the students? 

What is a survey (E)


Fill in the blanks: WHAT is the conduction of systematic empiricism (observation-based learning), empirical questioning (questions that observations can answer), and the gathering/distribution of public knowledge, all of which is done to answer questions and increase learning? 

what is the key features of science (D)


an experimenter observes how different temperatures affects water, What is water in this experiment? 

what is the dependent variable (E)


fill in the blank, The WHAT describes/explains the relationship that two variables have 

What is correlation (D)


Consider an experiment that seeks to understand how a certain plant responds to water quantities. There are five groups of ten of the same plant set up. Each plant group gets a slightly different amount of water each week, and the growth of each plant is recorded daily.  Instead of randomly assigning plants to a group, scientists put the most lush and full plants into group 5 (the group that receives no water), the smallest plants into group 4 (the group that receives the most water), and so on. Because experimental groups are no longer randomly assigned, and the results of the experiment (or dependent variables) have been compromised and effectively tampered with by introducing a confounding variable. This is an example of WHAT?

What are quasi-experimental designs (E)


When the temperature increases, the sale of ice cream increases, as does the number of sunburns. One could compare the two and conclude that ice cream sales cause sunburns. What is the increase in temperature in this scenario? 

what is the Confounding variable (E)


 WHAT is the part of the group from which the researchers take their data from in an experiment? 

what is the sample (D)


A 22-year-old college student, Tom, signs up to participate in an experiment. Tom is randomly assigned to a partial sleeping group, so he can only sleep four hours the night before the experiment. On study day, the other half of the group was assigned to sleep for 8 hours. The researchers will then analyze the data on sleep deprivation Using the data they collected from the study and how sleep affects your energy and mood. In this scenario, what design study is being used? 

what is Experimental studies (E)


Fill in the blank: The total number of people in a study of a particular group at a given time is referred to as the WHAT?

what is population (D)


What term describes when the results of a experiment are unbiased, and every member of a population has an equal chance of being chosen for the experiment? 

What is simple random sampling? (D)


Child psychology researchers are attempting to understand how the lives of children at home impact their academic performance at an elementary school with a student population of 1,000. This is done by surveying a child about what their home life is like, and then examining their academic performance throughout the course of the school year. In this experiment, there are six student-pools (K-5) from which names are drawn. Each morning, a scientist draws one name from each student-pool, resulting in one student from each grade being evaluated when names are drawn. Every student has an equally random chance of being selected, but there is a guarantee that one student from each grade (stratum) will be selected. This is an example of which type of experimental design? 

what is a Stratified random sample (E)
