She is teaching our class right now.
Who is Lynn?
A clause must have these two things
What are a subject and a verb?
The most important sentence that tells your reader what your essay is about
What is the thesis statement?
The first paragraph of an essay
What is the introduction?
A style of essay in which the writer responds to a prompt by summarizing and offering personal opinions or feelings
What is a reaction essay?
He has a ponytail and the answers to all of our questions
Who is Rob?
Correct word order for declarative sentences in English
What is SVO (subject-verb-object)?
The proper location for the most important sentence in an essay
What is the last sentence of the introduction?
The last paragraph of an essay
What is the conclusion?
A style of essay that discusses the similarities and differences between two or more things
What is a comparison essay?
The person to contact for scheduling and tuition
Who is Todd?
These two helping verbs are used to form Yes / No questions in English
What are the verbs be and do?
The first sentence of each body paragraph
What is the topic sentence?
The middle paragraphs of an essay
What are the body paragraphs?
A type of academic essay that shows the relationship between an event or action and its consequences
What is a cause & effect essay?
She loves to take trips and Halloween is her favorite holiday
Who is Alexa?
These six words are used to form questions in English
What are: who, what, where, when, how, & why?
Sentences that add details or give evidence, reasons, or explanations
What are supporting sentences?
Writers should do these two things in the final paragraph in order to leave a strong final impression
What are (1) restate the thesis (2) provide a suggestion, prediction, question, or opinion?
A type of academic essay that analyzes an issue and proposes a way to solve the issue
What is a problem-solution essay?
This person is a teacher, gardener, singer, and songwriter.
Who is Sherri?
Other than verbs, these 3 “parts of speech” are needed to form meaningful sentences
What are: nouns, adjectives, & adverbs?
The three things must we do in the conclusion of a problem-solution essay
What are restate the thesis, summarize key points, and give a call to action?
The number of paragraphs in a typical upper level academic essay
What is 5?
A type of academic essay in which the author tries to persuade or convince the audience of his or her position or beliefs
What is an argument essay?