How many sentences should there be in an Introduction?
5-7 sentences
How many sentences belong in a Conclusion?
5-7 sentences
What are 3 evidence stems?
What are 3 elaboration stems?
Double points for both.
According to text 1, In source 2 it says, One example from source 1
This shows, This proves, This means
What is the first step in the writing process?
Unpacking the prompt
Which stance about school uniforms does the follow piece of evidence support?
"School uniforms also prevent students from concealing weapons under baggy clothing, make it easier to keep track of students on field trips, and make intruders on campus more visible."
Students should wear uniforms in school.
What is the first thing that belongs in an Introduction?
A hook
What should and should not go in a Conclusion?
Should-Thesis Statement Rephrased, Call to action/ Clincher, Lasting Impression, Restated Intro information
Should not-New information
What is a counterclaim?
As a writer, it is where you present the opposing side of your argument.
What is the second step in the writing process?
Taking Notes and Planning
Which stance about school uniforms does the follow piece of evidence support?
"When students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body types, they can suffer embarrassment at school."
Students should not wear uniforms to school.
What is a Hook?
Something a writer uses to begin their essay in a creative way to grab the reader’s attention.
What is a Clincher?
A closing sentence. It should give your reader closure to essay.The clincher may also give the reader purpose.
What is a Refutation?
As a writer, it is where you refute or disprove the opposing argument.
What is the third step in the writing process?
Create a citation based on the information provided:
Quote: School uniforms make schools safer for students, create a “level playing field”, and encourage children to focus on their studies rather than their clothes.
Source 1
Author: ProCon
In Source 1 it states, "School uniforms make schools safer for students, create a 'level playing field', and encourage children to focus on their studies rather than their clothes" (ProCon).
Write and example of a good Hook based on the following prompt:
Your school district is considering a uniform policy for next fall. Consider the positives and negatives of uniforms and write to persuade the school board whether or not school uniforms would be an effective policy.
Are school uniforms a good or bad thing?
Write an example of a good clincher or lasting impression based on the following prompt:
Your school district is considering a uniform policy for next fall. Consider the positives and negatives of uniforms and write to persuade the school board whether or not school uniforms would be an effective policy.
Do you think uniforms belong in schools? Let's protect our freedom of expression and keep uniforms out of schools!
What belongs in a Body paragraph?
Topic sentence, evidence, elaboration, evidence 2, elaboration 2, connecting sentence
What is the fourth step in the writing process?
Create a citation based on the information provided:
Quote: Traditionally favored by private schools, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers.
Source 1
Author: ProCon
According to Source 1, "Traditionally favored by private schools, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers" (ProCon).
What are the three things that belong in an Introduction?
Background information on the topic of the essay
Thesis statement and claims
What are the four types of Clinchers?
Anecdote-finish the story you told in the beginning
Final Rhetorical Question
Prediction/ Recommendation
Create a counterclaim and refutation for the following position:
Students should not wear uniforms in school because they take away students freedom of expression and they cost too much money.
Some people might say that school uniforms actually keep students from fighting because it takes away the need to be "cool". However, uniforms actually create more problems because they take away students freedom of expression.
What should you always make sure to do BEFORE submitting your essay?
Have someone else read and help you revise you essay.
Create a citation based on the information provided:
Quotes: School officials and other advocates of the new uniform policies noted improvements in students’ “frame of mind” and stated that uniforms had “sharply reduced discipline problems.” They also reported that uniforms had “already reduced the preoccupation of students with expensive designer clothing for school wear and eased the financial burden that placed on the students’ families.”
Stance: Students should wear uniforms to school
Source 1
Author: ProCon
In Source 1 it says, "School officials and other advocates of the new uniform policies noted improvements in students’ 'frame of mind' and stated that uniforms had 'sharply reduced discipline problems" (ProCon).