What spacing should be used?
Double spaced.
Topic sentences state the idea of the essay.
Yes! Typically the topic is a word, so keep then in mind when writing.
What size font should be used according to MLA rules?
12 point.
When can you use informal writing?
When writing to a friend.
In a formal writing, you can use "I, Me, You" when writing.
What is found in the third paragraph in an argumentative essay?
Can you cite an article title?
Yes, and you should if you do not have an authors name.
When writing an email, do you use formal writing or informal?
Can you ask a question in a formal piece?
No! Avoid questions.
Where does a thesis statement go in an essay?
Last sentence of the introduction paragraph.
Three. These are your body paragraph ideas.
What is the style of writing where a claim is made?
Your opinion should be stated in this style of writing.
What needs to go in the left corner of an essay?
Name, title of writing, teacher, date.
What does a citation look like?
(author last name page number).
To better understand opposing arguments, how does a writer prove their idea is "better"?
Having a rebuttal.
Should quotes be used at the beginning of a paragraph?
Not ideal. Quotes should be supported and explained.
What is included in the conclusion paragraph?
Transition word, topic restated, ideas expressed, restate thesis.
What is a works cited page?
List of sources used for the writing that quotes were taken from.
MLA should be used in all writing styles, like argumentative and expository pieces, or only in Libera; arts and humanities.
ALL! Those are argumentative and expository writings.