Thesis Statements/ Organization
MLA Format
Using Sources
Grammar and Sentence Structure

What is a topic sentence?

A sentence (usually at the beginning of a paragraph) that states the main claim or focus of the paragraph.


What do you need to include in an in-text parenthetical citation for a book?

Author and page number 


The majority of your essay should be:

A. Quotes

B. Thesis statement

C. Analysis

D. Synthesis 

C. Analysis


What is a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are connected improperly, such as with a comma. 


What does a good conclusion do?

Sum up main points and leave the reader with something new (but related) to think about


When do you need to include an in-text citation?

When you use a direct quotation or paraphrase a quote


When quoting a source, what three steps must you take to make sure the source is properly incorporated into the paragraph?

1. Introduce the quote/provide context

2. Analyze the quote

3. Synthesize (connect back to main point)


What is wrong with these sentences and how would you revise them?

"Felix desperately wants to be in love. Which leads him to behave in questionable ways."

The second sentence is not a full sentence, but a fragment. You could add a comma between "love" and "which" and make it one sentence. 


What is a block quote and when should you use it?

The quote does not have quotation marks and each line is indented. The block quote is single-spaced. You should use it when you have a quote that's four lines or longer. 


Select the proper format of an in-text citation:

A. "There isn't really anything else to say after a classmate says that they crack into other people's phones for fun (Callender 165)"

B. "There isn't really anything else to say after a classmate says that they crack into other people's phones for fun" (Callender 165).

C. "There isn't really anything else to say after a classmate says that they crack into other people's phones for fun." (Callender 165).

D. "There isn't really anything else to say after a classmate says that they crack into other people's phones for fun" (Callender, Page 165). 



What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing is putting a whole passage into your own words and summarizing is putting only the main ideas into your own words. 


What is wrong with this sentence and how would you revise it?

"My favorite parts of the party was the food and the music."

Subject/ verb agreement.

"My favorite parts of the party were the food and the music." 


What is included in a strong introduction?

A hook, some background information, and a statement of focus/thesis statement


In MLA style, the list of references on your works cited page should be in what order?

Alphabetical order


What is the difference between summary and analysis? 

Summary explains what is happening in the text. Analysis dives into deeper meeting and subtext, taking into account your opinion and connections to other experiences, concepts, or sources. 


What is wrong with this sentence?

"The media has many negative affects."

Affect, is a verb, or a noun with a different meaning. The correct word is "effect."


Make this thesis statement better:

Labels are useful because they give us a sense of purpose, help us find community, etc. 



How would you cite a TikTok in a works cited page?

Name [@accountname]. "Caption of Tik Tok." Tik Tok, Year, URL.

Lilly [@uvisaa]. “[I]f u like dark academia there’s a good chance you’ve seen my tumblr #darkacademia.” TikTok, 2020,


What is the difference between analysis and synthesis?

Analysis breaks down the topic and synthesis brings them together again, showing how the ideas connect to one another. 


What is wrong with this sentence:

"There are less pieces of candy in the bowl than there were yesterday."

When talking about a group of individual things, use the word "fewer" instead of "less."
