Literary Forms
Elements of Fiction
Elements of Fiction 2
Elements of fiction 3

Define Fiction and list a major genre of fiction

Fiction: any narrative about invented characters and events, whether verse (poetry) or prose (paragraph)

Genre: Short story, novel, novella



Define atmosphere/mood

What creates atmosphere in literature

Atmosphere/mood: the way a certain place feels at a certain tome

Time + Place = atmosphere


Define motif

give any an example of bildungsromans/epiphany

Motif: reoccurs more than once in the story

Isolation/solidarity, forgiveness/revenge, loss/recapture, tradition/progression, advancements ahead of society, intellectual/reason or instinct, and civilization/ nature


Define hyperbole:

Define periphrasis:

Define euphemism:

Define idiom:

Define pun:

Hyperbole: exaggeration/overstatement to create a comical effect or strong emotion 

Periphrasis: a point is stated by deliberate circumbution, rather than directly aims to cushion embarrassing or shameful effect of the explicit term 

Define euphemism: one type of periphrasis

Define idiom: A phrase that has become an accepted part of a unique language but that can't be interpreted literally

Define pun: involves a play upon words which suggests two or more meanings of a word often intended humorously 


Define diction:

Diction: use of words and language to suggest meaning

Define Poetry and list one major type of poetry

Poetry: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound and rhythm

Major types of poetry: epic, dramatic and lyric 


Define Plot

Define conflict

Give examples for internal, external, physical, social, classical and psychological conflicts

Plot: action in the story

Conflict: struggle for characters

Examples (in order as listed in the question): buzz light year, Romeo and Juliet, machines and technology, isolation, Sword fighting and two people arguing 


Style and Figure of Thought

Give an example of figurative

Define literal 

Define simile

"I'm so hungry I can eat a horse"

Literal: the standard meaning of words 

Simile: comparison between two unlike things using a connective word


Figures of Speech:

Define Apostrophe:

Define Anaphora:

Define Antithesis:

Define Chiasmus: 

Apostrophe: addressing some absent person or thing or directly addressing an inanimate object

Anaphora: a repetition of words or phrases of the beginning of successive lines, stanzas sentences or paragraphs

Antithesis: words or phrases that are parallel in order and syntax in order to express opposite or contrasting meanings

Chiasmus: two successive phrases or clauses are parallel in syntax, but reverse the order of the comparable words


Define symbolism: 

Symbolism: one thing stands for or represents something else



Define a dramatic monologue

Give an example of a internal monologue

Dramatic monologue: a poem that is spoken to a fictional character addressed to another character addressed to another character, whose presence is implied by what the speaker says reveals significant aspects of his or her qualities, values, and experiences

Example of an internal monologue: poetry, drama, and fiction


Define a part of Foreshadowing 

Define Flashback

Define in media res

Define subplot

Foreshadowing: 1. Prepares us for later events 2. May create a certain mood/atmosphere 3. May use certain objects, words or objects as clues or hints as to what will happen

Flashback: Interrupts chronological order of the story line by moving into the past and in order to tell of the past

In media Res: Beginning a narration not in chronological order, with the 1st event in the plot at some later point

Subplot: A subsidiary  story that parallels or contrasts with the main one


Define static

Define dynamic

Define foil

Define stock

Static: characters does not change 

Dynamic: characters changes in personality, integrity or out look

Foil: Opposite of the protagonist 

Stock: stereotype nature is immediately known



Define repetition: 

Define parallelism:

Define juxtaposition

Repetition: the act of repeating anything in text in order to create a meaningful pattern of sound, structure or meaning

Parallelism: The repetition of words, phrases or sentences that have the same grammatical structure, or that restate a similar idea

Juxtaposition: placing any of the elements of literature in contrast with itself creates emphasis and asserts a point about extremes


Define repetition

repeating sounds, words, phrasing, concepts, images


Define epigram and give an example

Epigram: a witty saying in either verse or prose

Example: "The love of money is the root of all evil" (proverbs 15:1)



What is a protagonist?

What is an antagonist?

Define a supporting character

Protagonist: the main character we follow the most

Antagonist: the force that struggles against the protagonist can be a villain or anti-hero

Supporting character: not the main character but still matters and is important for character development


Define metaphor

Firgure out the word with this meaning: Giving human qualitites to animals, things or concepts

Give an example of a Synecdoche

Define metonymy:

What re the types of irony:

Define paradox

Metaphor: makes a comparison between two unlike things without a connective word

The word is personification

Example: abc= alphabet

Metonymy: a comparison, a renaming by using a closely related ferm

Types of irony: dramatic, verbal and situational


Sound devices: 

Define alliteration: 

Define assonance: 

Define consonance: 

Define onomatopoeia:

Alliteration: repetition of sounds, usually constant, at the beginning of words 

Assonance: repetition of internal vowel sounds of words close together

Consonance: repetition of internal or ending constant sounds of words close together 

Onomatopoeia: words that make sounds 


Define fragments: 

Fragments: convey hesitation, build suspense, develop characters


What literary term is this based on this definition: presents characters directly to the audience, usually without a narrator, intended for performance

Answer: Drama


Types of characters:

Define flat

Define round

Flat: one dimensional aspect 

Round: life like 3 Dimension qualities


Define Allegory:

Define Pathetic Fallacy:

Define oxymoron: 

Define Understatement: 

Define litotes: 

Allegory: a constant set of symbols operating on two levels in a store an extended form of personification

Pathetic Fallacy: special type of personification in which intimate aspects of nature, such as the landscape or weather, are represented as having human qualities

Oxymoron: figure of speech which seems to be self contradictory but its actually true; a compressed paradox

Understatement: A form of irony

Litotes: a form of understatement, a point is affirmed


Without notes, what is an example of simile

My love is like a red, red rose


Define appositives: 

Appositives: a noun or phrase that describes or equates with a nearby noun or pronoun restates an idea, adds emphasis or clarity
