Nutrient required in the largest amount
What is Carbohydrates
A necessary part of the diet in small amounts and also considered an energy nutrient
What is fat?
A feeding system that require less labor to supply feed because the animals can eat any time they want
What is is self feeding (free choice)?
A specific combination of feeds in the amount needed to supply the daily nutrient requirements of the animal
What is ration
Any product that has nutritional value in the diet so it is suitable for animals to eat
What is feedstuff?
Inorganic elements required for all body functions and obtaine primarily from food
What is minerals
Molecules that most animals can not manufacture but they need for growth and maintenance
What are vitamins?
A system of increasing weight on weaned calves until they are placed in a feedlot
What is backgrounding?
The portion of feed remaining after removing all the water and lists contained nutrients
What is dry matter?
The practice of providing supplemental feed to nursing calves, lambs, goats is called
What is creep feeding?
Complex organic compounds composed of smaller units of amino acids
What is protein?
Feeds high in fiber and low in energy, such as grasses, hays and silages
What are roughages?
The amount of specific nutrients contained in a ration is the . .
What is composition?
Balanced feed rations are important for feed_____ and proper digestion.
What is efficiency?
Animal feeds that are rich in energy and/or protein but are low in fiber are called
What are concentrates?
The single most important nutrient
What is water
An estimate of the amount of protein in a feed that is required by law to be listed on a feed label
What is Crude Protein?
A ration of concentrates and roughages blended and fed free choic to the animal
What is Total Mixed Ration?
The most common technique to balance rations is the box method also know as the _______ method
What is pearson square?
Often the most expensive feed ingredient
What is protein?
Formulate 500 lbs of a 21% ration using Soybean Meal (44%CP) and Corn (9%CP)
What is 170 lbs soybean meal and 330 lbs of Corn
Formulate 450 lbs of a 28% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (49% CP) and Millet (3% CP)
What is 243 lbs of Cottonseed meal and 207 lbs of millet
Formulate 600 lbs of 13% CP using Alfalfa (18% CP) and Clover (4% CP)
What is 384 lbs of Alfalfa and 216 lbs of clover?
Formulate 775 lbs of 16% CP ration using Alfalfa (22% CP) and Bermuda grass (3% CP).
What is 527 lbs of afalfa and 248 lbs of Bermuda Grass?
Formulate 120lbs of 12% CP ration using Alfalfa (16% CP) and Millet (3% CP).
What is 82.8lbs of alfalfa and 37.2 lbs millet.