Work Stress
Cultural Competency
Organizational Scale
Work-Leisure Balance

the ability to guide and influence a group of people to achieve a common goal.

What is Leadership?


This is the result of harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of your task do not match your resources to do that task, your time, budget, abilities and interests, or your needs.

What is Work-Stress?


This is defined as a set of attitudes, interests and skills that enable you to effectively work, play and study with people who are culturally different from you.

What is cultural competency? 


People with this organizational style usually approach organization like they do everything else - in the most adventurous, artistic and non-conforming manner possible.

What is Imaginative Organizational Style?


This is the intersection of work and personal life.

What is work-leisure balance?


This leadership style is reluctant to take advice from coworkers.

What is authoritarian leadership?


This occurs when one has too much to do in the time available. If this happens occasionally, one can adapt.

What is Role Overload?


Most workplaces today believe that the goal is for all employees to work together to achieve mutual goals and to accomplish this is to recognize that cultural diversity exists.

What is an example of valuing diversity?


This organizational Style, people usually believe that disorganization can cost time and money. They diligently work around the clock to ensure that tasks get done. They are interested in figuring out how things work, analyzing them and then making them functional.

What is Rational Organizational Style?


In this personality type your work is your greatest source of life satisfaction. Although there are leisure activities available to you, you prefer to work.

What is a workaholic? 


Thinking about how you lead a team regarding time and place. 

What is situational leadership?


This occurs when one is inadequately using skills, one will feel like the work is meaningless and not stimulating.

What is Role Incompatibility? 


This a fixed impression of someone, or exaggerated or preconceived ideas about particular social groups

What are stereotypes?


In this Organization Style, people manage their environment to guarantee a sense of unity and harmony with others. They seek to build goodwill with everything and everyone. They may find it difficult getting assignments completed on time or arriving at meetings in a timely way because they often forget about time.

What is Sensitive Organizational Style?


This is a skill critical for occupational health and wellness.

What is learning to balance work and leisure?


To increase interactions is an example of this. 

What is motivation?


These can help reduce stress?

What are leisure activities?


Make a commitment of time to developing relationships with people different from you. Maintain an open mind is an example of this. 

What is minimizing stereotypes?


This organizational type has the ability to understand work and organization by following rules and proven routines.

What is structured organizational type?


You can build this into your day.

What are breaks?


These are the 5 leadership styles discuss in our workbook. 

What are Authoritarian, Democratic, Hands-Off, and Charismatic, and Motivational?


This is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems. 

What is burnout?


To Communicate Effectively with People from Other Cultures.

What is cross cultural communication?


This can help you identify tasks and assignments that need to be completed, motivate you to remember them and work toward accomplishing them.

What is a To-Do List?


Working regular hours and take work home only when absolutely necessary. 

What is an example of finding a balance between work and leisure?
