EoC framework
Effective workplace culture
transformational facilitation
PD principles
Self care and wellbeing
What are the phases of the Essentials of Care cycle?
preparation assessment feedback action planning implementation evaluation
what are the 4 CORE values within SESLHD?
collaboration openness Respect Empowerment
what does transformational facilitation mean to you?
enabling others to achieve holistic person centred care empowering enlightenment emancipation critical reflection cooperative participation (CIP) active learning change for improvement Being person cnetred working with peoples values and beliefs about themselves and their practice engaging in a level of support and challenge role modelling leadership
how many practice development principles are there?
what are 3 examples of self care?
mindfulness exercise-back care, pilates, yoga relaxation and meditation healthy eating socialising with friends hobbies
Name at least 4 EoC domains
personal care documentation promoting self management medications/IV fluids privacy and dignity clinical interventions clinical monitoring preventing risk & promoting safety learning and development culture maternity woman centred care the woman's wellbeing midwifery care enabling care of self and infant medication and blood products documentation & communication promoting health and minimising risk Learning and development culture
Thinking about your workplace, what would you see, hear, feel in your unit that would relate to positive effective workplace culture? give 4 examples
Name 2 main styles of facilitation, and give 2 examples of when each style may be used in practice
Doing for others : Transactional- episodic contact, immediate practical technical help. traditional teaching method (didactic), low intensity on mass teaching (lecture, forum) Enabling Others:- Transformational -sustained partnership, developmental learning, adult learning, high intensity minimal coverage. Co-counselling, critical reflection.
Name 3 of the 9 PD principles
Person-centred effective workplace culture facilitation CIP active learning (work based) development and use of EBP evaluation use of creativity main focus of care is at micro level but requires support on all levels
What is available with SESLHD to support staff well being? name at least 2
Nursewell app sankalpa fitness passport EAP clinical supervision mentorship programs
a. what is EoC and what is it about? b.what are 3 positive outcome of EoC for staff, patients and/or the organisation?
Quality framework for insuring staff have a voice about how care is provided puts the patient at the centre of care to ensure good outcomes and positive experience Develops and strengthens teams to support each other to respond to opportunities ans challenges within the health care system. Identifying what is important to us and our values achieved by involving staff to critically evaluate clinical care the workplace culture and environment from the perspective of the staff,patients and organisation. AIMS identify opportunities for development of practice engaging clinicians in practice development celebrating excellence in practice activating locally developed plans to improve practice linking care to organisational priorities and national standards BENEFITS NaMO 2014 people and culture- Improved workplace culture improved staff engagement Improved teamwork Improved patient and carer satisfaction Clinical- Improved patient outcomes Decreased clinical incidents Improved patient care Environment safer work environments more efficient work environments
What enables effective workplace culture within the organisation ? give 3 examples
person-centeredness lifelong learning high challenge and high support leadership development involvement, collaboration and participation by stakeholders (including patients) evidence use and development positive attitude to change open communicatoin teamwork safety (holistic) values vision mission innovation and creativity change is driven by consumers/users/communities shared governance formal systems to evaluate skilled facilitation flattered and transparent management enabling approach to leadership and decision making organisational readiness human resource management support
What are 4 key skills, knowledge or attributes of a transformational facilitator?
energy tenacity values and beliefs person centred flexible, sensitive. knowledge creativity credibility authenticity political awareness role model thinks critically uses CIP positive regard for others life long learner provides high challenge and high support
What is person centred care?
compassion dignified and personalised therapeutic relationship empowerment continuous personal and professional development for staff
What are the signs and symptoms of work place stress and burnout?
Increased sick leave Increased staff turn over (reduced staff retention) disengagement/loss of motivation/avoidance increased conflict exhaustion/burn out physical symptoms/illness/lowered immunity reactivity/catastrophizing
Following workshop 1, what activities have you used or could you use to engage your team in preparation phase of EoC?
Information session Ways of working (WOW) values clarification Display values and WOW vision statement celebrate achievement
Positive attitude to change is part of effective workplace culture. Could you name the steps of Prochaska and Di Clements stages of Change Model?
Precontemplation contemplation preparation Action maintenance relapse
What are 3 tools that you have used or observed to enable face to face facilitation in practice with teams?
brain storming post it notes mind mapping circle of concern/influence CCI picture cards small group work use of laminates youtube/apps media power point role play walk around gallery ice breaker energizer surveys
How could you incorporate creativity into the EoC program?
give 3 examples that you have tried or observed beforecraft/artwork visual presentation-poster role play game activities-ice breakers (cards, wool,) EoC board vision statements
What methods can you use for self reflection personally and in professional practice?
quiet space walk/bath journal/diary craft/art/music talk to friends/colleagues Nursewell app Nursing and Midwifery Team www.nmsupport.org.au/ e templates- Bortons, Gibbs, Miezrows, Atkins & Murphy active learning group buddy/coach/mentor/critical companion
What strategies could you use to collect data in your unit during assessment phase?
patient stories observations audits IIMS complaints RCA workforce data ie sick leave staff retention unit and organisational surveys staff feedback
Teamwork is an essential component of effective workplace culture What are the stages of group development according to Tuckerman's theory?
Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjorning
What are 3 examples of practical strategies that could be used to extend your facilitation development skills within your unit, facility, LHD and/or externally?
Unit- Co facilitation unit sessions, COP, EoC presentations (showcase) Facility- Co facilitate in other units, observation and patient story workshops, gatherings LHD - co facilitate EoC workshops, LHD coordinator team planning External- International PD school, PD conferences, EoC showcase, coaching.
What strategies can be used to enable work based learning (active learning) ?
protected time role play/demonstration simulation in unit/labs clinical supervision at point of care learning packages clinical rounding case studies practice with equipment MDT meetings
What is the purpose and potential outcomes of using critical reflection in practice?
Self awareness, EI professional and personal development development of critical thinking/challenging the process debrief enabling enlightenment /empowerment celebrate and recognise achievements/wins clarify values and vision