What is the name of the former queen?
Queen Vashti
Est 1.9
What was Esther's Jewish name?
Est 2.7
What was Esther's relation to Mordecai?
Her cousin/ adopted father
Est 2.7
Why did Haman cause a gallows to be made?
to hang Mordecai
Est 5.14
Mordecai bowed to Haman when the king promoted him.
Est 3.3
What did the former queen do to anger the king?
She refused to come when she was called.
Est 1.12
In the end which Jew got elevated to second after the king?
Est 10.3
What warning did Mordecai give to Esther?
Do not let them know you are Jewish
Est 2.10
What did Esther ask the king for when she appeared before him in the court?
She asked for the king and Haman to come to a banquet she prepared for them. Est 5.4
Esther readily agreed to Mordecai's plan to save the people
Est 4.11
Who was the King?
King Ahasuerus
Who came up with the plot to destroy the Jews?
What did Mordecai over hear some on the kings chamberlains say?
The plot by the king's chamberlains to kill the king.
Est 2.21
Why didn't Mordecai bow to Haman?
Because Mordecai bows to no man only God.
When the king saw Esther he held out his sceptre.
Est 5.2
How would a person know if a decree came from the king?
If it was sealed with the king's ring.
What did Mordecai ask Esther to do concerning the Jews?
To go to the king and ask him to save her people
Est 4.8
What did Mordecai do when he heard the plot to kill the jews?
He tore his clothes put on sackcloth and ashes and cried at the city gate.
What was Esther's Biological mother's name?
Haman thought the king was going to honor him.
Est 6.6
Why was it so important to punish Queen Vashti?
Because all the other women might take her example and do the same.
Est 1.17
What was the solution to save the Jews?
A new decree was issued allowing the jews to fight back for their life.
What did the king do for Mordecai to thank him?
Made him ride around the city with the kings horse wearing the king's clothes and a royal crown.
Est 6.8-9
What happened to Haman in the end?
He was hanged on the gallows he set up for Mordecai.
Est 7.10
Esther was taken into the king into his house in the tenth month which is month Tebeth in the sixth year of his reign.
Est 2.16