King Ahasueras' first wife
Who was Queen Vashti?
The location (kingdom and City) where the book takes place
What is the kingdom of Persia in the city of Susa?
The first step in the plan to find a new queen
What was to gather all the beautiful young virgins from across the kingdom to the harem in Susa
Mordecai's usual “hangout”
What is the king’s gate
Matt would be this animal if he were able to: A) a Tasmanian Devil B) a leopard C) a monkey D) a great white shark
What is a monkey
The Relationship between Esther and Mordecai
What is Esther was Mordecai's cousin
The motive for why the king summoned the queen
What is, to show off her beauty
The amount of time she spent in preparation for her first audience with the king
What is a year?
Moredecai's refusal to do this nearly caused the extinction of the Jewish population in Persia
What is bow down to Haman
Sophia's favorite free time activity is A) Reading a book with a cup of tea B) hiking and being outside C) practicing diving technique off her living room couch D) going to the park and befriending the squirrels
What is hiking and being outside?
The people group in exile in Persia
Who were the Jews?
The reason the kings advisors said to get rid of the queen
What is the queen's refusal would cause all of the women in the kingdom to look at their husbands with contempt.
True or false: Esther was treated the same as all the other young women gathered in the harem
What is False. Esther found favor in Haggai's eyes and he treated her better.
True of False: Haman convinced the king to eradicate the jews by telling him what Mordecai had done
What is False
As a child Jen dreamed of being A)a firewoman or paramedic B) a teacher or lawyer C) a nurse or doctor D) a professional break dancer and teacher
What is a teacher or lawyer
The name of the highest official in the kingdom (other than the king)
Who was Haman?
The number of eunuchs the king had that served in his presence
What is seven?
This person discovered the plot against the king
Who is Mordecai
Haman promised to give this much silver to the king when the Jews are destroyed
What is 10,000 talents of silver?
If Jess could have any super power she would have A) Laser vision B) the ability to turn anything into gold C) mind control of animals D) teleportation
What is teleportation?
The name of the eunuch who was in charge of the kings Harem.
Who is Hegai?
The number of days of feasting at the beginning of the book.
What is 187 days
The king did what after choosing Esther to be queen
What is held a great feast for all his officials and servants.
The edict gave these specific instructions.
Jason sees an older lady struggling to cross the street he: A) Runs through the intersection without thinking twice
B) Talks to the Lady and waits with her until she is able to get to the other side
C) Walks out in traffic with his hand out to stop traffic and lets the lady walk through
D) He climbs up the light pole and yells down to the lady when there is an opening coming.
What is he climbs up the light pole and yells down to the lady when there is an opening coming.