Esther's Co-RA
Who is Veer?
Room number we are currently in
What is 1016?
All three dining halls
USC Village Dining Hall, EVK, Parkside Restaurant & Grill
Who is Taylor Swift
What is Occupational Therapy?
Theme of Bulletin Board
What is Brat?
Parkside IRC stands for this
What is Parkside International Residential College?
Full name of Four Schools at USC
What is Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, Glorya Kaufman School of Dance, Gould School of Law, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Levanthal School of Accounting, Marshall School of Business, Roski School of Art and Design, Rossier School of Education, School of Architecture, SCA, SDA, Thornton School of Music, Viterbi School of Engineering
Esther's favorite movie genre
What is horror?
RA and CSC worker
Esther's room number
What is 4115?
All three parksides (full names)
EVK stands for this
Everybody's Kitchen
Favorite Avenger
Captain America
What is Esther's Astrology sign
What is aries? (april 15 XD)
Movie we watched during floorwide event with all fourth floor RAs
What is Jennifer's Body?
RCC Name
Who is Summer Wigley?
Six Freshmen Residential Buildings
New North, Birnkrant, Webb Tower, McCarthy, Parkside A&H, IRC, PKS, Pardee Tower, Marks Tower, (Cale)
Favorite character in Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Number of Sibling(s) & gender:)
What are two brothers?
Quiet hours
What is Sun-Thursday 11-8AM, Fri-sat 12-8AM
Three Sophomore Housing Options
Cale, McMorrow, Nemirovsky, Cowlings, Car Gar, Shrine, Century
Favorite movie
What is Forrest Gump?
Middle Name
What is Hanseul?