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Anatomy & Physiology
Breastfeeding Promotion

The only complete food that provides all the nutrients a baby needs for optimum growth, exclusively for the first 6 months and with the addition of complementary foods for at least the first 2 years of a child’s life.

What is breastmilk?


This method of infant feeding often delivers milk at a faster rate than at the breast and can encourage over-eating.

What is bottle feeding?


This common problem is usually encountered in the first few days or weeks of breastfeeding, and can be caused by poor positioning and attachment.

What are sore nipples?


The ring of pigmented skin surrounding the nipple

What is the areola?


An organization established in 1956 with a mission to “help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.”

What is the La Leche League?


These are generally a lot less stinky in breastfed babies, than in those who are fed formula.

What are baby’s poopy diapers?


A piece of equipment that many mothers use when they go back to work to aid in continued breastfeeding.

What is a breast pump?


A painful, hard lump on the breast that is treated with warm compresses, massage, and nursing. 

What is a plugged duct?


An uncomfortable condition caused by not nursing or pumping frequently enough.

What is engorgement?


An annual, week-long celebration of breastfeeding during August.

What is World Breastfeeding Week?


A sticky yellow fluid full of antibodies and immunoglobulins that has been called a baby’s first immunization.

What is colostrum?


Studies have shown these decrease the risk of SIDS, but too frequent use can delay breastfeeding sessions, affecting a mother’s milk supply and baby’s weight gain.

What is a pacifier?


 A healthcare professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding.

What is a lactation consultant?


The hormone responsible for milk ejection and uterine contractions.

What is oxytocin?


Growth charts that establish the growth of breastfed babies as the norm.

What are WHO growth charts?


The chances of this devastating, unexplainable loss is 2x more likely in formula fed babies, than in those who are breastfed.

What is SIDS?


Many mothers find these are a useful aid in positioning babies at the breast. They are marketed in many different styles, colors, and sizes, but are not actually necessary for successful breastfeeding.

What are breastfeeding pillows?


A bacterial infection in the breasts that causes pain, swelling and tenderness, often accompanied by fever and chills.

What is mastitis?


A condition present at birth that prevents the normal function and mobility of the tongue. It can sometimes create problems during breastfeeding.

What is ankyloglossia/tongue-tie?


Hospitals that follow the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and have obtained a special designation by WHO and UNICEF. 

What are Baby-Friendly Hospitals?


The chances of a women developing this serious disease later in life are lower if she has spent at least a year of her life breastfeeding her own baby(s).

What is breast cancer?


A very good method for supplementing pumped milk or formula that prevents nipple confusion.

What is cup feeding/spoon-feeding?


 A term for when an older baby who had been happily nursing, suddenly refuses to nurse and seems quite unhappy about it.

What is a nursing strike?


Sebaceous (oil) glands around nipple that become more pronounced during pregnancy.

What are Montgomery tubercles?


 A code established by WHO/UNICEF to prevent the inappropriate sales promotion of infant foods that can be used to replace breastmilk. The code, among other things, requires no advertising of breastmilk substitutes to families and forbids health care systems from accepting free formula samples.

What is the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes?
