balancing to the central nervous system, antispasmodic, wound healing, sedative
tissue that contracts and moves various parts of the body
muscle tissue
oil or fatty ingredients that lubricate, moisturize, and prevent water lossDefinition:oil or fatty ingredients that lubricate, moisturize, and prevent water loss
hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bones; forms the back of the skull above the nape
occipital bone
subatomic particles with a negative charge
euphoric, relaxing, relieves heart palpitations
front (anterior) portion of the epicranius; muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead
surfactants that cause oil and water to mix and form an emulsion; an ingredient that brings two normally incompatible materials together and binds them into a uniform and fairly stable blend
bones that form the sides and top of the cranium
parietal bones
when acids are mixed with alkalis in equal proportions, balancing the total pH and forming water (H2O) and a salt
acid–alkali neutralization reactions
an antioxidant nutrient and popular form of vitamin E used in skin care and health supplements, generally isolated from soy or wheat
alpha D-tocopherol
ring muscle of the eye socket; closes the eyelid
orbicularis oculi
acids derived from plants (mostly fruit) that are often used to exfoliate the skin; mild acids: glycolic, lactic, malic, and tartaric acid.
alpha hydroxy acids
bone forming the forehead
frontal bone
easily absorbs moisture; in chemistry terms, capable of combining with or attracting water (water-loving)
an important series of brain structures activated by odor, behavior, and arousal
limbic system
consists of major and minor muscles extending from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth that elevates the lip, as in laughing
natural form of vitamin A; stimulates cell repair and helps to normalize skin cells by generating new cells
bones that form the prominence of the cheeks; the cheek bones
zygomatic bones
the abbreviation used for potential hydrogen. pH represents the quantity of hydrogen ions
the sense of smell
one of the muscles that coordinate with the temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid muscles to open and close the mouth and bring the jaw forward; sometimes referred to as chewing muscles
drying ingredient with antibacterial properties commonly used for blemishes and acne
benzoyl peroxide
lower jawbone; largest and strongest bone of the face
the substance that dissolves the solute and makes a solution