
Which of the following is a safety red flag prior to applying ESTIM to a patient? 

a. Unit is connected to a ground circuit

b. Unit has the channel wires out, on top of the machine

c. Unit has wires that are frayed connecting to the wall plug

d. Unit has 2 different types of electrodes in a drawer on the side of the machine

Unit has wires that are frayed connecting to the wall plug


What is another name for the parameter of "rate" when discussing ESTIM?



TENS is CONTRAINDICATED on a patient who has? 

a. Demand Pacemaker

b.  History of stable angina

c. Terminal Cancer

d. Who is pregnant during labor

Demand Pacemaker


When assessing normal standing posture, where should the plumb line fall? 

a. Anterior to the lateral malleolus

b. Posterior to the lateral malleolus

c. Anterior to the greater trochanter

d. Posterior to the greater trochanter

Anterior to the lateral malleolus

What is the name for a nerve becoming accustomed to the electrical current, hence, the effect becoming less intense to the patient? 


Which of the following assessments is MOST important prior to applying iontophoresis to a patient? 

a. Skin Integrity

b. Functional Ability

c. Pain rating

d. Hot and Cold Sensation

Skin Integrity


What would a "ramp time" be used for when applying ESTIM to a patient? 

To increase patient comfort during the procedure. 


Which of the following is NOT a contraindication to applying ESTIM to a patient? 

a. Unstable Afib

b. Osteomyelitis

c. Bladder stimulator present

d. Directly on a wound

Directly on a wound


A PTA is manual muscle testing the external/lateral rotators of a patient's hip. Which position should the patient be placed in which position? 

a. Sitting with hip and knee at 90 degrees

b. Sidelying with hip in neutral and knee flexed

c. Prone with hip in neutral and knee flexed to 90 degrees

d. Sidelying with hip in neutral and knee extended

Sitting with hip and knee at 90 degrees flexion


The use of NMES would be the BEST option for which diagnosis below? 

a. Acute denervation of the radial nerve to the wrist extensors

b. Quad isometric strengthening after ACL surgery

c. Low back pain after a lumbar laminectomy

d. Healing of an ulcer after a cast is removed

Quad Isometric Strengthening Post ACL surgery


If you encounter a therapeutic modality that has malfunctioned, what would your first action be? 

Remove it from use immediately


What is the parameter of amplitude/intensity measured in? 



Name a contraindication to ESTIM that involves the circulatory system. 

DVT, Thrombophlebitis


A patient has akinesia. Which of the following gait dysfunction would you expect to be present?  

a. Sudden cessation of movement

b. Decreased step length

c. Increased base of support

d. Difficulty attempting to stop

Sudden cessation of movement


When applying Sensory ESTIM to a patient, what is the desired response the patient should feel? 

Tingling/Comfortable paresthesia


A patient is receiving electrotherapy on one channel with one electrode being 2" x 2" and the other electrode being 2" x 4".  The patient notes discomfort at the distal electrode.  What would be the PTA's next action to improve patient comfort? 

a. Replace the electrodes with adhesive disposable electrodes. 

b. Use 2 electrodes of the same size.

c. Use more gel on the electrodes

d. Move the electrodes farther apart.

Use 2 electrodes of the same size


What should the amplitude be set at when using High Volt Pulsed Current for wound healing? 

To patient comfort/Comfortable tingling/Sensory

Name a contraindication that can also be a precaution when clearing a patient to apply ESTIM for treatment.



A patient is taking beta-blockers for chronic cardiac disease.  Which of the following methods would best measure the patient's response to exercise? 

a. Body temperature

b. Radial artery heart rate

c. Finger tip pulse oximetry reading

d. Rating of perceived exertion

Rating of perceived exertion


A patient with chronic headaches due muscle tightness and poor posture would MOST likely benefit from which of the following ESTIM applications? 

a. Up training EMG Biofeedback

b. Down training EMG Biofeedback

c. Russian stimulation to the scapular stabilizers

d. Conventional TENS to the lateral neck musculature

Downtraining EMG Biofeedback

Name 2 safety checks you would perform before treating a patient with ESTIM.  

Contraindications/precautions, safety inspection of the unit, skin inspection, informed consent, patient verification, handwashing. 


Name the only parameters that can be changed with Direct Current ESTIM applications. 

Total treatment time/Amplitude


What is another contraindication to be aware of when using Iontophoresis in addition to the other contraindications of ESTIM? 

Contraindications of the medications, Contraindicated with use of other thermal modalities. 


In a patient who has unilateral hip impairment, a cane is ordinarily used on which side? 


Uninvolved side


Your patient has an anterior pelvic tilt when standing for a postural assessment.  Shortness of which of the following structures is most likely contributing to this posture? 

a. Hamstrings

b. Iliopsoas

c. Gluteus Maximus

d. Rectus abdominus

