Greek History
French Revolution
Age of Enlightenment

Who wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey?

Who is Homer


This estate was made up of the clergy in France before the revolution and held significant power and influence in society.

What is the First Estate?


Which philosopher is known for his work "The Social Contract"

Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau


This event on December 7, 1941, led the United States to enter World War II.

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?


This German monk is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation by questioning the Catholic Church's practices.

Who is Martin Luther


Which philosopher founded the Academy in Athens, where he taught and wrote many dialogues.

Who is Plato


This event in 1789 is often considered the beginning of the French Revolution, where revolutionaries stormed a Parisian prison.

What is the storming of the bastile


This Austrian-born philosopher, known for his work on economics and political theory, wrote "The Wealth of Nations" and advocated for free markets.

Who is Adam Smith


This U.S. president made the decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945

Who is President Harry S. Truman?


This religious figure, known for his role in the English Reformation, established the Church of England to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

Who is Henry VIII


Socrates was sentenced to death in 399 BCE, but ultimately choose to die by drinking this poison.

What is Hemlock


Who was one of the leaders of the radical political group called the Jacobins, and was also responsible for the Reign of Terror.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre


This Italian thinker is best known for his work "The Prince," which offers pragmatic advice on political leadership and power.

Who is Niccolò Machiavelli?


This military alliance consisted primarily of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.

What are the Axis Powers


This religious and political conflict in France during the late 16th century was marked by wars between Catholics and Huguenots.

What are the French Wars of Religion


A conflict, fought between Athens and Sparta, that lasted from 431 to 404 BCE and marked a significant turning point in Greek history.

What is the Peloponnesian War


What document was adopted in 1789 and emphasized liberty, equality, and fraternity?

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Men and of the Citizens


This movement within the Enlightenment emphasized the use of reason and scientific method to improve society and human life.

What is Rationalism


This treaty, signed in 1919, imposed heavy reparations and territorial losses on Germany, contributing to the conditions that led to World War II.

What is the Treaty of Versailles


This Council, convened in 1545, aimed to address the issues raised by the Reformation and reaffirm Catholic doctrine.

What is the Council of Trent


This series of conflicts among Alexander the Great's generals after his death led to the division of his empire into several Hellenistic kingdoms.

What is the Wars of the Diadochi


These two islands served as places of exile for Napoleon Bonaparte after his abdication, first in 1814 and again in 1815.

What are Elba and Saint Helena?


This collection of essays and articles published in the 18th century aimed to promote knowledge and critique society, heavily influencing public opinion.

What is the Encyclopédie by Jean le Rond d'Alembert


This military tactic, used by the Germans, involved quick and coordinated attacks using infantry, tanks, and air support, leading to rapid victories in early World War II.

What is Blitzkrieg


This document, issued by Martin Luther in 1520, outlined his main theological positions and rejected the authority of the Pope, significantly influencing the Reformation

What is the "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation"
