Have you ever been in a fight with someone? What happened?
Walking away and telling someone can be helpful.
Yesterday in SSG we played name that __________
Riddle: What number is odd, until you take away one letter and it becomes even?
Answer: Seven.
Name one person who was in SSG yesterday.
Annabelle, Rashad, Sarah
Have you ever tripped or fallen at school? What happened after ?
We all fall sometimes.
What did we try to solve yesterday?
Riddle: What weighs more? A pound of candy bars or a pound of cake?
Answer: They both weigh the same—1 pound each.
Riddle: What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: Your age.
What's something cringey that happened to you at school ?
Cringe happens
What upset you in SSG yesterday?
someone did something in chat