The natural law is the moral law that can be understood through the use of human __________.
The inclination towards marital intimacy and the upbringing of children.
Sexual union
The main figure of the Exodus story who receives the Old Law from God and helps implement it among the Hebrew people.
The New Law is given by Christ in what sermon?
Sermon on the Mount
The virtue of being free from pride and arrogance; humbleness
Which significant part of the Old Law originates from the natural law precepts?
The Ten Commandments
The inclination to stay alive and defend oneself from harm.
The first 3 commandments deal with man's relationship with _______, while the remaining 7 deal with man's relationship with __________.
God, each other/other human beings
"If you are forced to go with somebody one mile, __________________"
What is the virtue of fortitude?
Bravery and courage in the face of difficulty.
Original Sin
The inclination to live in relation with one another, relying on each other to fulfill our needs.
Living in Society
Which commandment(s) naturally arose from the human inclination towards self-preservation?
What does Jesus recommend we do with our enemies?
"Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you."
The three theological virtues (the virtues that find their end in God).
Hint: F____, H_____ and L_____
Faith, Hope, and Love
Which word expresses an action or person living outside the natural moral law?
The inclination to seek after knowledge.
Knowing the truth
Give one example of an Old Mosaic Law that practicing Christians would not be bound by today.
What is the Great Commandment?
Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.
The virtue of temperance refers to what good qualities?
Displaying moderation or restraint in matters, not overindulging.
Name one important defining feature of natural law.
It holds true across all peoples, times, and geography.
It is a rational creature's participation in the eternal law.
The inclination towards that which perfects us (that which is desirable) and moves us to a state of blessedness.
The Good
What was God's intention with the Old Law?
To set the Israelites apart from the other peoples around them; to mark them as a "chosen people" in preparation for Christ's coming.
What was Jesus' primary critique of the scribes, priests and other religious leaders of his day?
They were so beholden to the letter of the Old Law that it prevented them from living charitably with a generous heart.
The mother of all virtues; that which allows us to recognize what is good and choose it.
Hint: Starts with "P"