The person who caused Ethan to be depressed and his grades to drop at the start of his freshman year (yap I know)
Who is Violet Mae Peroni
The piece of clothing Ethan expresses himself through
What are socks
Ethan's favorite food
Ethan's favorite sport
What is Formula 1
Ethan's favorite territory
What is Gibraltar
The person who helped Ethan with his depression and sadness more than his therapist
The color Ethan's lightsaber would be
What is white
Ethan's favorite cuisine
What is Italian food
Ethan's favorite hockey team
What is the Colorado Avalanche
Ethan's address
What is 8 Oak Ridge Park OR 9 Birch Crack Flight
Ethan's idol (in therapy because it has to do with what I strive to be)
Who is Mahatma Ghandi
Ethan's spirit animal
The correct way to cook a steak
What is medium-rare OR sushi-style
Ethan's favorite Formula 1 team
What is Aston Martin
Ethan's favorite color
What is Maroon
Ethan's only fear according to his therapist
What is fear
Ethan's personality type
What is Campaigner
The best way to prepare chicken
What is a chicken nugget
Ethan's favorite F1 driver
Who is Fernando Alonso (minus 1000 points if you said Lewis Hamilton)
Ethan's favorite color to wear
What is green
What is child lock
Ethan's patronus
The only way to drink coffee
What is a decaf coffee with a splash of milk, two packets of brown sugar, two squirts of caramel and one squirt of french vanilla
Ethan's favorite F1 track
The only word that Ethan can't pronounce
What is analyze