grades A Day
grades B day
extra curricular activites
teacher comments pt. 1
teacher comments pt. 2

a grade of 83.39%

what is Ethan's theory of knowledge grade?


a grade of 93.00%

what is mathematical analysis & approaches


Ethan has four extracurricular activities 

what are Model U.N., Basketball, Gender and diversity alliance, and yearbook?


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "Ethan is responsible for his learning and is always on top of work. He makes a great effort in class and continues to shine in (too much of a hint). He also sets high expectations towards himself and tries to stick with his plan. I cannot wait to see how far (too much of a hint). I am so glad to have Ethan in class."

what is Mandarin


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "Ethan is an important member of our class community and consistently contributes good and thoughtful ideas to our class discussions. He takes risks and fully engages in our class activities. His energy is positive and he offers his peers thoughtful feedback which leads for the rest of the class to do better."

what is english


a grade of 92.06%

what is Ethan's history grade?


a grade of 87.00%

what is Ethans's English grade?


on Friday during lunch Ethan has this club. 

what is model U.N.?


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "Ethan Molad-Einstein is an energetic (too much of a hint) student, who seems to love the challenges he encounters in spite of his occasional protests to the contrary. I appreciate his willingness to express any confusion or need for clarification, as this helps the class as a whole."

what is math


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "Ethan can be chatty in class when he should be working or listening to direction. However, he is always eager to learn and fully participates in class."

what is photography


a grade of 94.35%

what is Ethan's photography grade?


the name of the class that Ethan is a classroom aid for

what is government and economics?


Ethan has one specific job in the yearbook club that is not exclusive to him 

what is a photographer? 


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "Ethan Molad-Einstein has demonstrated a strong desire to learn and succeed in IB (too much of a hint).  He sometimes takes on a competitive approach to learning and earning grades, which can be quite effective. "

what is history


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "I have so enjoyed getting to know Ethan through his quick witted comments in (too much of a hint) this semester. He listens intently and offers plenty of sharp criticism (too much of a hint) activities, which I usually find insightful and helpful."

what is Theory of knowledge


a grade of 98.64%

what is Ethan's mandarin grade?


a grade of 91.35%

what is Ethan's physics grade?


Ethan has a very specific plan for the creative portion of his C.A.S. hours requirement.

what is making memes about the IB


the teacher who wrote this comment teaches "It has been a highlight of my year thus far getting to work with Ethan. Each day he demonstrates one of my very favorite traits: the ability to stay focused and well-paced on a new challenge while maintaining fun banter and increasing levity. I love when Ethan goes into "supreme focus mode" and remains (too much of a hint) well after class has been dismissed. He is fording a strong path and trusty habits for success in this challenging two-year course, especially by means of his honest questioning."

what is physics


Ethan has three of the same teachers he had last year

who are Laura Gordon, Joe Sokolik, and Yi-Wen Su?


these are the hl classes that Ethan is taking

what is history, math, photography, and physics?


this is the class that I transferred from sl to hl

what is photography


November 1st

what is the date of Ethan's first basketball game?
