My client's dad just added me on Facebook. Can I accept his friend request?
No. Maintain professional relationships and boundaries.
Your client called to cancel session while you were on your way to session. Who should you notify and what type of cancellation would this be?
Scheduling and your supervisor
Same day client cancellation
You are feeling sick (not positive for COVID) and need to cancel your in-home session the day of. Who updates your CR?
Scheduling updates ALL staff cancellations
You stopped working with a client and don't need his files anymore. Can you throw the files away?
No. All client related materials must be given to your supervisor to be saved to the client's file or shredded/disposed of properly.
You stay 15 minutes after session to discuss the last episode of the Kardashians. Is it okay to stay after session for this purpose?
No. It is important to maintain professional boundaries.
Your client's mom needs a babysitter and mentioned they pay $30 an hour. What kind of relationship would this be if I babysat the client?
Dual relationship
PHI stands for this
Protected Health Information
You are planning a vacation in 2 weeks that will cause you to miss 3 days of sessions. Would you email scheduling using an advance staff cancellation template?
No. You will need to check to see that you have enough PTO accrued and submit your PTO request at least 2 weeks in advance through ultipro.
You hear a rumor that the coolest new celebrity has a child receiving services at AST. You wan't to find out more information about them so you search around the network to find their file. Is this okay?
No. Access client information for your caseload only.
Your client's family has recently gone on a gluten and casein free diet. They ask you what you think of this. What do you say?
You can ask them to discuss this with your supervisor. Be respectful of parents’ interests but remember that AST supports and uses empirically validated approaches to working with children with autism.
Your client made a special card for you. They spent hours drawing cars with antennas which is their favorite. Can you keep this gift?
Yes. Giving it back may harm the relationship.
Your client cancels their same day telehealth session, what code would you use to update your CR?
Cancel Other
You are running late to your telehealth session. Who do you notify and what changes do you need to make to your CR?
You will need to email scheduling and supervisors using the late start/early end template and adjust the time of your session to reflect how long you were actually at session. You will NOT use the late start/early end code. You will also need to update the note section to reflect the late start.
You are at Target shopping with your friend when you see your client's family walk by. They either do not notice you or do not want to say hi. What should you do?
Respect their privacy. You can say hi if they approach you first.
You watched a documentary on Netflix and now you are convinced that ice baths will cure autism. You can't wait to tell your clients all about it.
This would be promoting an intervention that is not _______.
Evidence based
Your client, John, is a nonverbal teenager and you don't think John can really understand you so you to talk to John like a child. This violates John's ____________.
The body that oversees the professional and ethical behavior of behavior analysts
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Your client answers "Yes" to the COVID-safety question that they are displaying COVID-like symptoms. They have not tested positive for COVID-19 and only suspect that their runny nose is due to allergies. Who do you email and what template(s) do you need to use in your email?
Email scheduling/sups using the same day client cancellation AND an advanced client cancellation template due to AST policy that all clients/staff need to be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before resuming in-home sessions.
You have a client you see at preschool. Another parent stops you to ask questions about why you are there and why you are working there. You answer all their questions. This is considered a ___________.
breach of confidentiality
You think your client's mom doesn't like you. When your supervisor comes to session you whisper this so they know. What should you do instead?
Bring those issues up outside the home. When at the house, always use behavior-based language.
You have a side job of selling scrunchies on Instagram. You bring your scrunchies to session to show to your client's mom because she loves scrunchies and Instagram. What policy does this violate?
Solicitation of clients, parents, family members, teachers, etc. to purchase goods or services that are not provided by AST.
What does HIPAA stand for?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Question 1: You suspect that you may have COVID-19, so you cancel your session for the day and get tested. Who do you need to contact?
Question 2: After calling the necessary parties, they do not return your call within 24 hours. What should you do?
Answer 1: Scheduling sending same-day staff cancellation template,COVID hotline/supervisor
Answer 2: You do not call the COVID hotline again, instead, you make sure that you have answered all questions sent to you by the L&S department and reach out to your supervisor for assistance.
Your client likes to do the latest dances from Fortnite. He has some really good moves and you want to show your friend so you make a secure recording on Catalyst. What policies are you violating?
Photos or videos should be taken for program development purposes only and you should not be sharing any client information with non-AST employees.
You are a new behavior technician and you are still learning about ABA. A parent asks you a question that you do not know the answer to. Since this is out of your ___________ you pass on the question to your supervisor.
Scope of practice