The author of this quote: If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
Sun Tzu
The weak point in a network.
What are users.
What are Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
An attack that would cause a decoy.
What is the result of a DoS?
A program to make worms.
This type of attack is when a hacker compromises Solarwinds and injects malware into popular programs.
Distribution Attack
What is charming.
What is Advanced Persistent Threat
The most popular type of devices used for DDoS attacks.
What is IoT
The goal of an APT.
What is steal data.
Step 3 of the CEH Hacking Methodology.
What is Open Source Intelligence
A legitimate use of a single bot.
A tool that can be used to enumerate networks besides nmap.
What is metasploit.
A model that can be used to understand attacks, and defend against them.
cyber kill chain methodology
The goal of this is to find parts of a password.
What is shoulder surfing
What is Security Accounts Manager
A DoS attack carried out by singing a large ping packet.
What is Ping of Death.
Legacy Windows password hash.
What is LM
Hacking a system without permission.
What is criminal hacking.
The best defense against social engineering.
What is user education?
What is New Technology LAN Manager
A type of malware that is commonly used to create botnets.
What is a Trojan.
The ASM op code to copy a variable.
What is MOV.