Virtue Ethics
Ethics 101

Deontological Ethics is the theory and practice of right action according to:

A. Net gain/harm from an action

B. A clear set of rules or moral code

C. Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous

D. None of the above

B. A clear set of rules or moral code


Consequential Ethics is the theory and practice of right action according to:

A. Net gain/harm from an action

B. A clear set of rules or moral code

C. Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous

D. None of the above

A. Net gain/harm from an action


Virtue Ethics  is the theory and practice of right action according to:

A. Net gain/harm from an action

B. A clear set of rules or moral code

C. Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous

D. None of the above

C. Whether or not the action is deemed virtuous


In the realm of Philosophy, what is Ethics also known as:

A. Physical Philosophy

B. Spiritual Philosophy

C. Moral Philosophy 

D. Logical Philosophy

 C. Moral Philosophy


With Consequentialism, no act is inherently evil; it all depends on…….

The consequences (or outcome) of the action


An example of a “perfect duty” in Deontological Ethics is:

A. Volunteer at an orphanage

B. Learn more about the world around you

C. Do not kill innocent people

D. Study for your exam

C. Do not kill innocent people


The three types of Consequentialist Ethics are:

A. Ethical Egoism, Group Consequentialism, Deontology

B. Virtue Ethics, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism

C. Ethical Egoism, Group Consequentialism, Utilitarianism

D. Threshold Deontology, Perfect duties, Imperfect duties

C. Ethical Egoism, Group Consequentialism, Utilitarianism


In Virtue Ethics, the best action is found between two vices. Because this best action is between two extremes, this action is also known as:

A. Golden Mean

B. Platinum Mean

C. Golden Medium

D. Golden Rule

A. Golden Mean


The difference between Ethics and Morality is that:

A. Ethics is the practice of right action and Morality is the theory of right action

B. Ethics is the theory of right action and Morality is the practice of right action

C. Ethics is the practice of wrong action and Morality is the theory of wrong action

D. Ethics is the theory of wrong action and Morality is the practice of wrong action

B. Ethics is the theory of right action and Morality is the practice of right action


Later Deontologists argue that one should always follow the rules except in “Emergency situations”. This is known as ________________ Deontology.



An example of an “imperfect duty” in Deontological Ethics is:

A. Do not steal

B. Do not lie

C. Do not talk about people behind their back

D. Know thyself

D. Know thyself


In Consequentialist Ethics, Utilitarianism refers to looking out for the benefit of the _______________________.

A. The individual in question

B. The individual's group

C. The majority of people

D. None of the above

C. The majority of people


Considering Aristotle's theory of the Golden Mean as it relates to Virtue;

What would be the excess (or vice of excess) of Courage?



Who is considered the “Father of Western Ethics?”

A. Socrates

B. Plato

C. Aristotle

D. Alexander the Great

A. Socrates


Which philosopher is most associated with Deontology?

A. Thomas Hobbes

B. John Locke

C. Jean Jacques Rousseau

D. Immanuel Kant

D. Immanuel Kant


In relation to the Trolley Problem. Would the bystander who is a Deontologist be more likely to pull the lever and kill one to save five or would they not pull the lever?

Not pull the lever; by pulling the lever they are intentionally killing someone, this is against the law


In relation to the Trolley Problem. Would the bystander who is a Consequentialist be more likely to pull the lever and kill one to save five or would they not pull the lever?

The Consequentialist would more than likely pull the lever because they see that saving 5 lives are being more important/valuable than saving 1 life


Considering Aristotle's theory of the Golden Mean as it relates to Virtue;

What would be the deficiency (or vice of defect) of Courage?



The word Ethics comes from the Greek word "Ethos" which when translated, roughly means....

Custom or habit


What philosopher is most associated with Consequentialism?

A. John Stuart Mill

B. Jean Jacques Rousseau

C. Thomas Hobbes

D. John Locke

A. John Stuart Mill


In relation to the Ax Murderer Thought Experiment: Would the Deontological homeowner that answered the door to find the man with the axe, tell the axe-man where their friend was or would they lie to save their friend?

They would more than likely tell the truth; lying is considered unethical by almost all ethical frameworks and codes


In relation to the Ax Murderer Thought Experiment: Would the Consequentialist homeowner that answered the door to find the man with the axe, tell the axe-man where their friend was or would they lie to save their friend?

More than likely they would lie to save their friend


Socrates discussed Virtue Ethics within Plato's Dialogues. Socrates declared that Virtue was a type of knowledge and this knowledge would lead to ultimate happiness. This Greek word for "ultimate happiness: is called:



Socrates was the teacher of ___________, who was the teacher of ______________, who was the teacher of _____________________ who ended up conquering much of the known world during his time

Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great


 In (what some have called the greatest movie of all time) The Dark Knight, what ethical theory did each of the following characters practice?

  1. Batman- 

  2. The Joker-

  3. Harvey Dent- 

Batman- Virtue Ethicist

The Joker- Consequentialist

Harvey Dent- Deontologist
