Mandatory Reporting.
Organ Donation
Duty to Care

A nurse working in a long-term care facility notices that several residents in a
particular wing appear malnourished, dehydrated, and have unattended
bedsores. The nurse makes a report for suspected _______ to adult protective

What is Negligent


During a JCAHO audit, the nurse is asked about emergency preparedness plans. Which action
by the nurse best demonstrates compliance with JCAHO standards?

A. Participating in regular fire drills and emergency simulations.
B. Ensuring all staff members have a copy of the emergency plan.
C. Having emergency supplies readily available in patient care areas.
D. Memorizing the hospital's emergency codes and procedures.  

A- Participating in regular fire drills and emergency simulations.


Provision 3 of the ANA Code of Ethics includes which of the following concepts?
a. The nurse owes the same duty to self as to others
b. The nurse practices with practice and respect for the unique attributes of every person
c. The nurse promotes, advocates for and protects the rights, health, and safety of the
d. The nurse advances the profession through research and scholarly inquiry

C. The nurse promotes, advocates for and protects the rights, health, and safety of the


A family member contacts the nurse caring for their critically ill son and states “We want to

donate our child’s organs.” What is the best action by the nurse?

a. Consult the hospital’s ethics committee for a meeting

b. Notify the organ procurement organization

c. Obtain family consent to withdraw life support

d. Arrange a multidisciplinary meeting with physician

B.Notify the organ procurement organization


A long-term care nurse is assigned to care for a resident who frequently exhibits

aggressive behaviors toward the staff and other residents. Despite feeling

uncomfortable, the nurse understands their duty to provide care and maintain the

resident’s safety. Which action best exemplifies ethical nursing practice?

A. Requesting to be reassigned to another resident.

B. Providing care to the resident while expressing frustration and irritation.

C. Avoiding interactions with the resident.

D. Collaborating with the healthcare team to develop a care plan to address the resident’s aggressive behavior.

D. Collaborating with the healthcare team to develop a care plan to address the resident’s aggressive behavior.


A patient who presented with severe fever and sore

throat has been diagnosed with chlamydia, HIV and the influenza virus.

Which diagnosis is the nurse required to report?

a. Chlamydia

b. HIV

c. Influenza virus

d. Steph throat



During a JCAHO audit, the nurse is asked about patient confidentiality measures. Which
statement by the nurse best reflects adherence to JCAHO standards? 

A. "We have a policy that prohibits staff from discussing patient information in public areas."

B. "Patient information is only shared with those directly involved in the patient's care."

C. "We use passwords on all electronic devices to prevent unauthorized access to patient


D. "Patient records are kept locked in a filing cabinet at all times."

C. "We use passwords on all electronic devices to prevent unauthorized access
to patient records."


“The nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes,
maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting and conditions of
employment that are conducive to safe, quality health care."

What is provision 6


What scenario is considered controlled for non-beating heard donors (NBHD)?

A. Dead on arrival

B. Unsuccessful CPR in or out of hospital setting

C. Awaiting cardiac arrest from withdrawal of life-support

D. Cardiac arrest of patients declared brain dead

C. Awaiting cardiac arrest from withdrawal of life-support


This is the term used to describe the process of determining whether a patient's health status has improved, remained stable, or deteriorated as a result of nursing care.

What is outcome identification?


A nurse is assessing an elderly female in the ED. There are many bruises
present on her body in varying stage of healing. After documenting the
bruising in the assessment, what should the nurse do next?
A. Follow the facility’s policy and procedures for reporting abuse.
B. Call the nursing supervisor immediately.
C. Ask the client when and how the bruise occurred.
D. Notify the law enforcement that abuse is suspected

C. Ask the client when and how the bruise occurred.


A nurse manager works on ensuring compliance of their unit with the standards
set by the Joint Commission. Which action by the nurse manager best
demonstrates ethical practice in accordance with JACO standards?

A. Allowing a physician to dictate patient care without questioning orders.
B. Falsifying documentation to meet JACO requirements for patient safety.
C. Reporting concerns about patient safety and quality of care.
D. Disregarding infection control protocols to expedite patient care

C. Reporting concerns about patient safety and quality of care.


The ANA... (select all that apply)

a) ...advocates on behalf of nurses in instances of suspected malpractice

b) ...provides a code of ethical standards for nurses

c) an international organization that serves nurses globally

d) ...advocates for the health and well-being of nurses

e) instrumental in the development and revision of nursing safety standards

b) ...provides a code of ethical standards for nurses

d) ...advocates for the health and well-being of nurses


The charge nurse is reviewing the status of patients in the critical care unit. Which patient should the nurse notify the life center to evaluate for possible organ donation?

A. A 24-year-old patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 2 with no activity on electroencephalogram

B. A 62-year-old male admitted with unstable atrial fibrillation who has suffered a transient stroke.

C. A 49-year-old brain-injured male with a history of prostate cancer and a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8.

D. A 33 yo post partum, day 0, admitted for close monitoring while receiving blood from an emergency caesarian and heavy loss of blood.   

A. A 24-year-old patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 2 with no activity on electroencephalogram


When is a nurse legally obligated to breach confidentiality?

A. At any time a client is threatening

B. Whenever the client becomes aggressive

C. When the client violates the nurse’s boundaries

D. If threats are made to an identifiable third party

D. If threats are made to an identifiable third party


1)A nurse working in a pediatric clinic receives information that a child is being
subjected to physical abuse by a family member. What is the nurse's primary
responsibility regarding mandatory reporting?
A. Document the information in the patient's medical record and inform the nurse
B. Discuss the situation with the child's family and encourage them to seek counseling.
C. Report the suspected abuse to the appropriate child protective services or authorities.
D. Keep the information confidential to maintain trust with the family.

C. Report the suspected abuse to the appropriate child protective services or authorities.


The joint commission has made this program to help patients and their advocates
understand their rights and become active in their care.

What is the Speak Up program?


Provision 9 in the ANA states which of the following?

A. Nurses should seek out their own morals and ethics

B. Nurses and nursing organizations should articulate nursing values and social justice.

C. Nurses need to be involved in inter-professional collaborations.

D. Nurses should not be involved in health policy but should provide influence.

B. Nurses and nursing organizations should articulate nursing values and social justice.


The nurse is caring for a patient who is being evaluated clinically for brain death by a physician. Which assessment finding by the nurse supports brain death?

a. Absence of corneal reflex

b. Unequal, reactive pupils

c. Withdrawal from painful stimuli

d. Core temperature of 100.8 F

a. Absence of corneal reflex


A nurse knows that liability insurance would
cover all of the following scenarios except:
a. A patient experiences extravasation at an IV site that was running Potassium Chloride.
b. A patient on the nurse’s assignment does not use the call light and falls while ambulating independently to the bathroom.
c. A nurse gives a medication by injection that the patient had previously refused to take orally.
d. A patient on the nurse’s assignment refuses all treatment, then leaves the hospital against medical advice, finally dying the following day.

c. A nurse gives a medication by injection that the patient had previously refused to take orally.


A nurse caring for a young child in the hospital with a spiral fracture arms to their left
arm. The child simply shrugs when asked how they got the bruises. The parents say he
is clumsy and always falls on the stairs. What should the nurse do first?
A) Separate the child from his parents and ask him what really happened
B) Ask the parents to describe the fall
C) Report suspected abuse to the charge nurse and ask them to contact CPS
D) Ask the child if they want ice cream

C) Report suspected abuse to the charge nurse and ask them to contact CPS


A nurse is preparing a presentation on what the Joint Commission is in charge of doing.
What should she include? (Select all that apply)
The Joint Commission...
a) a non-profit organization.
b) ...oversees the allocation of federal grant dollars to healthcare institutions
c) tasked with tracking national health data and statistics
d) ...oversees accreditation of health institutions
e) ...oversees certification of various treatments within healthcare institutions

a) a non-profit organization

d) ...oversees accreditation of health institutions
e) ...oversees certification of various treatments within healthcare institutions


A nurse is advocating for a patient's right to quality healthcare. Which provision of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics guides this action.

a) Provision 1: The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person.
b) Provision 2: The nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population.
c) Provision 3: The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient.
d) Provision 4: The nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice.

c) Provision 3: The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient.


A nurse is caring for a patient who has suffered irreversible brain damage and is being considered for organ donation. The patient’s spouse expresses uncertainty about consenting to organ donation, stating “I am not sure if my loved one would have wanted this.” What is the nurse’s most appropriate response?
a) Explain to the spouse that more than half of licensed drivers are registered organ donors,
so the patient most likely would have wanted to donate.
b) Provide emotional support and offer resources to help the spouse make an informed
c) Encourage the spouse to decide quickly to avoid prolonging the process.
d) Advise the spouse to discuss the decision with other family members to reach a

b) Provide emotional support and offer resources to help the spouse make an informed


Which circumstance would exempt the nurse from professional negligence following an error in
drug administration to a client?
a. Not knowing the drug was contraindicated for this client
b. Lack of harm to the client as a result of the errant drug administration
c. Confirmation by a coworker that the dosage was correct
d. The dosage was inaccurately dispensed by the pharmacy

b. Lack of harm to the client as a result of the errant drug administration
