Equal Employment Opportunity
Business Ethics & Compliance
Anti-Corruption & Insider Trading
Communications & Acceptable Use
DST provides Equal Employment Opportunity in accordance with the law and prohibits what unlawful activities?
What is discrimination, harassment and retaliatory conduct.
An associate acting for the benefit of a third party in transactions involving DST is an example of?
What is Conflict of Interest
Under the Anti-Corruption Policy it is important that you don't bribe or tolerate bribery from what two specific entities?
What is government officials and private business relationships
If a member of the press contacts an associate in regards to speaking on behalf of DST, an associate is to refer them to this entity.
What is Media Hotline
For employment- related legal disputes that cannot be resolved through DST's Open Door or EEO Policies, associates would utilize what additional policy?
What is Arbitration (or Arbitration Agreement)
Harassment can take many forms and has many consequences such as unreasonably affecting a person's employment opportunities, unreasonably interfering with work performance and this third consequence.
What is Hostile or Offensive Environment
DST does not do what, against any person who in good faith reports a violation of this policy?
What is Retaliation
Bribes, improper benefits and this_____ fall under the anti-corruption policy.
What is Kickback
While connected to the DST network associate are not able to access this type of personal communication tool.
What is Email (social media accepted as well)
In order to ensure the highest level of information security, all paper should be disposed into these types of receptacles.
What is Shred Bin
The company strictly prohibits any unlawful discrimination against Associates or applicants because of their race, color, gender, age, national origin, ancestry, religion, handicap, disability, sexual orientation and what other protected group?
What is veterans (or reserves/national guard status).
This policy is also to advise Associates that whenever they become aware of occurrences that raise ethical or legal concerns they must contact what outside resource?
What is the Business Conduct Line
An associate's continuing effort to report red flags of improper activity under these policies is known as this?
What is Due Diligence
It is important that associates know to be within the Communications and Acceptable Use policy as all computers are subject to this.
What is Monitoring (or recording)
Ensuring the correct recipient in emails, never sharing or writing down passwords and doing this when leaving ones work space ensures that DST networks stay secure.
What is Locking Computer
One must be careful with emails, jokes, comments, and gestures as it is not the intention but the ?
What is Perception
The scope of Business Ethics and Compliance applies whether an associate is working or engaged in a personal activity in a manner that could harm DST, business entities, and what other party?
What is What is Personnel (also accept DST employees/co-workers)
Violations of this policy can be significantly detrimental to DST, resulting in significant fines and precluding DST from doing business with certain entities or in certain geographic locations.
What is Anti-Corruption
All associates are prohibited from utilizing this tool to save or share information unless given approval for an immediate business purpose.
What is USB Drive (Thumb-drive)
An associate has this many days to opt out - in writing- of the DST Arbitration Agreement.
What is 30 Days.
If an associate sends an email with a derogatory joke about an associates protected characteristic, which of the three EEO topics does this violate?
What is Harassment
An associate accepting or receiving entertainment or gifts from/to a third party business relationship cannot exceed what dollar amount unless approved by a DST Officer?
What is $250
It is considered insider trading when an associate shares this type of information regarding securities both internally and externally.
What is Material, nonpublic infromation
Associates are expected to utilize social media and other websites for personal matters during these times.
What is lunch and breaks
Each associate must use his/her own access card to gain access to secure or restricted areas. Associates should not allow others to do this when entering or exiting a secure area.
What is Tailgating