Licensure assures the public that the licensee...
...has met certain specific requirements in terms of education and training
The general requirement that counselors keep information confidential does NOT apply when disclosure is required to protect clients or identified others from serious and foreseeable harm.
What is duty to protect?
When in doubt about your obligations regarding confidentiality or privileged communications.
What is consultation
Countertransference becomes an ethical issue when the
counselor’s unresolved conflicts get in the way of effective therapy
Self - care is
an ethical mandate
_______________ is an end point evaluation typically completed at the end of a professional program or when applying for licensure status.
Summative Assessment
Sharing information with others in order to provide the best possible services to clients is permissible when (a) clerical or other assistance handle confidential information (b) counselors consult with colleagues are experts and (c) counselors are working under supervision and (d) other professionals are involved in coordinating client care.
What is the "umbrella" of confidentiality?
Counselors provide reasonable access to records and copies of records when requested by competent clients.
What is Client Access?
Codes of ethics fulfill three major objectives, one of the main objectives is...
To provide a common language by which lawyers and mental health practitioners can communicate about clients
only when they clearly lack the necessary skills to deal with the issues presented by the client
Counselors should consider a referral
______________is problematic due to the risk of confidential content being sent or forwarded to others in error
Confidentiality in online supervision
When adults who have been adjudicated incompetent in a court of law counselors cannot give the same assurances of confidentiality as they give other clients
What is a legally incompetent adult?
A client agrees for a counselor to give information regarding the counseling relationship to third parties.
What is a client waiver of privilege?
Avoidance of doing harm, which includes refraining from actions that risk hurting clients
What is Nonmaleficence
Prerequisite for most forms of assessment and treatment
What is informed consent
Supervisors in counseling training programs bear both direct liability and vicarious liability. Vicarious liability pertains to
responsibilities that supervisors have because of the actions of their trainees
When subpoenaed to release confidential or privileged information without a client's permission, counselors obtain written, informed consent from the client or take steps to prohibit the disclosure or have it limited as narrow as possible due to potential harm to the client or counseling relationship.
What is Court-Ordered Disclosure?
Counselors maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy
What is Multicultural/Diversity Considerations?
Transference is sometimes referred to as the “unreal” relationship in therapy. This implies that:
clients project onto their therapists past feelings or attitudes they had toward significant people in their lives
was passed by Congress to promote standardization and efficiency in the health care industry and to give patients more rights and control over their health information.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
a set of general guidelines counselors can use to make sense of what they are hearing and what needs to change
A theoretical orientation
A judge cannot order a counselor to reveal information in court that has been recognized by law because it is antagonistic to the entire U.S. system of justice, courts and legislatures have been reluctant to extend privilege to relationships between mental health professionals and their clients.
What is privileged communication?
The responsibility to protect the public from dangerous acts of violent clients entails liability for civil damages when practitioners neglect this duty by:
FALLING TO: diagnose or predict dangerous behavior/ to warn potential victims of violent behavior/ to commit dangerous individuals/ prematurely discharging dangerous clients from the hospital
Suicide risk assessment requires clinicians to identify client
Risk factors/ warning signs and protective factors
School counselors must often function in multiple roles such as counselor, teacher, and chaperone. This illustrates the concept of:
role blending