Toolbox Terms Pt.1
Toolbox Terms Pt. 2
Ethical Theories
Miscellaneous :)
Misc. Pt. 2 :)

Definition: widely held, oversimplified belief about a group of people 


Definition: prejudice based on physical ability or disability 



Name one of the central themes in Christian Ethics. (You were given 7 by Chaplain Steven). 

Love, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Justice, Compassion, Redemption

Our ball for silent ball has what school's logo on it? 
The University of Virginia

The modern Environmental Justice movement started in ________ ____________, NC after the community protested against the state's decision to construct a new landfill in their county to dispose of toxic chemicals (PCB's). 

Warren County


Definition: treating everyone the same and giving everyone the same access to opportunities and resources

Equality (but I will accept fairness as well) 


Example: Your friend asks you who you are going to vote for in the election for president of the school. You do not really know either of the candidates. They both seem like good options to you. Your friend says, “you should vote for Michael. The other person running is a girl and let’s be honest, a girl would not be a great president. Let’s keep leadership with the boys.”



What is the name of the Ethical Theory that is associated with Aristotle? 

Virtue Ethics / Virtue Theory 


We had a fake debate to practice our conversation and disagreement skills at the beginning of the year. What was the debate about? 

Who would win in a fight: a taco or a grilled cheese? 


The Portrait of a Titan most closely aligns with which of our main Ethical Theories? 

Virtue Ethics 


Definition: To blame a person or group of people for something that is not their fault

Scapegoat or Scapegoating 


Example: You are sitting with a group of friends in the lunchroom. You are all joking around and start throwing your chips at each other. Mr. Coleman starts walking towards your table. You begin cleaning up the mess of chips around you. Before Mr. Coleman says anything, you apologize for making a mess and you say that you and your friends will make sure to clean the area. You tell him that it won’t happen again. (the answer does not start with r) 



When making decisions according to utilitarianism, what is the maxim or principle you should follow? 

Do whatever results in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. 

When we talked about the concept of fairness, we started by playing a game. What did that game involve? 

It was a relay race where you had to hold an M&M on a spoon. 

However, certain teams were given advantages and others were given disadvantages. 


How many rights are listed in the UN's Human Declaration of Rights? 

Extra 200 points if you name 10 of those rights. 



Definition: Mental discomfort from holding incompatible beliefs or thoughts at the same time

Cognitive Dissonance


Example: A woman is sitting outside a conference room waiting for an interview at a law firm. The people at the firm who are conducting the interview come to invite her into the conference room to start the interview. They notice the woman is wearing a hijab. Before asking her any questions, one of them makes a note on her application that she should not be hired because she would not be a good fit for the firm.



Immanuel Kant, who is associated with deontology, had two main rules in his philosophical system, both of which are referred to as the categorical imperative. Explain 1 of these 2 rules. 

1. Universalizing principle: “Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law” 

2. Don't use people: "Act in such a way that you treat humanity... never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end." 

Name a natural material your clothing may be made out of and a synthetic material your clothing may be made out of. 
Natural: Cotton, Wool, Linen 

Synthetic: Polyester, Nylon, Viscose


We learned about the Holocaust and talked about how bias/prejudice can escalate over time and turn into violent acts and even genocide. What was the name of the resource we used (hint - it was a certain shape) to talk about this escalation of prejudice that can result in genocide?

The Pyramid of Hate 


Example: You and your family visit New York City. You are walking towards Time Square when you see someone fall over on the sidewalk, clearly in pain. They appear to need medical attention. Lots of people watch this happen, but no one does anything. 

Diffusion of Responsibility 


Example: Your older friend is driving you to North Hills to go shopping. Your friend is cut off by someone merging on the interstate and has to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of them. Your friend yells at the other driver and calls them a jerk. Last week the same friend drove you to school and cut off someone in traffic, saying it was necessary because you were running late. 

Fundamental Attribution Error 


Who is the main philosopher associated with utilitarianism? 

Extra 200 points if you know the name of his student, who is also generally associated with utilitarianism. 

Jeremy Bentham 

Extra: John Stuart Mill 


How many schools are there in Wake County? 

You'll get it correct if you get the answer +/- 30.



Chaplain Steven interviewed his wife Dr. Elizabeth McCain about her profession's ethical principles. She listed 4 major ethical principles for her profession. Name 2. 

1. Autonomy (respect people's right to choose for themselves) 

2. Beneficence (do good, provide benefits to people) 

3. Non-maleficence (do no harm) 

4. Justice (treat people equally and fairly) 
