This Ethical Principle's primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems
What is Service?
This is the likelihood that this principle will help or do good for the client
What is Beneficence?
According to the State of Maine's board of ethics, this is a counselor's primary responsibility.
What is this client?
This is the 1st step to addressing an ethical dilemma
What is supervision/consultation?
This is the first step in the Process of Duty to Warn
What is Supervision/Consultation
When Social Workers pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people it is called this ethical principle.
What is Social Justice?
This is the likelihood that an act will not harm a client
What is non-maleficence?
When a counselor seeks only those positions in the delivery of service to clients for which they are professionally qualified they are acting in accordance within this ethical standard.
What is Competence?
This is the 2nd step to addressing an ethical dilemma
What is document thinking
This is the second step in the process of Duty to warn
What is Notify local law enforcement authorities
When Social Workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences & cultural & ethnic diversity, they are using this ethical principle.
What is dignity & worth of the person?
This is the likelihood that the act will foster the client's independence.
What is Autonomy?
When a counselor is honest in dealings with clients, students, trainees, colleagues and the public she/he is called this ethical standard.
What is Moral and Legal Standards?
This is the 3rd step to addressing an ethical dilemma
What is document action
This is the third step in the process of Duty to Warn
What is contact those might assist in evaluating the client/consumer?
When Social Workers are continually aware of the professions, missions, values, ethical principles and standards and practice in a manner consistent with them they are using this ethical principle.
What is Integrity?
The degree to which it is true to what was promised to be is called this.
What is Fidelity?
When a counselor treats colleagues with respect and remains accountable as an individual for the ethical principles of the board while at the same time does not ignore the unethical conduct by other counselors, it is called this ethical standard.
What is Responsibility to Colleagues?
By filling in a matrix of positive and negative outcomes a social worker/counselor could use this to determine a course of action.
What is a Decision-Making Table
This is the fourth step in the process of Duty to Warn.
What is Contact the potential victim as necessary?
When Social Workers practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise they are using this ethical principle.
What is Competence?
Balancing the needs or rights of one vs. another is called this
What is Justice?
When using assessment instruments or techniques the counselor will make every effort to promote the welfare and best interest of the client and guard against the misuse of results, this is called the ethical standard.
What is Measurement and Evaluation?
This is the last name of the victim in the Duty to Warn case (original case)
What is Tarasoff
This is the 5th and final step in the process of Duty to Warn.
What is document - the threat must be determined as being