Weeks 1-2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Rather than something fixed or biological, race is better defined as this

What is a social construct?


The central object in this short story chapter from Tomás Riveras' ...y no se lo tragó la tierra or ...and the earth did not devour him

What is a portrait?


Although Latinx people are 16% of the population, only this percentage of news media is devoted to the demographic

What is 1%?


M. Cristina Alcalde identifies this version of racism amongst millennial college students in Kentucky

What is color-blind racism?


This type of document makes up the bulk of Brenda Childs' archive about Indian boarding schools

What are letters?


Natalia Molina coined this term to "highlight the ways in which the lives of racialized groups are linked across time and space and thereby affect one another, even when they do not directly cross paths."

What is racial scripts?


In this book, the authors claim that news media has reinforced a white majority

What is News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and American Media by Juan González and Joseph Torres 


Stereotypes are this

What is bad?

She is arguably the most significant journalist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century

Who is Ida B. Wells?


That some Native American parents sent their children to Indian Boarding Schools during the Depression is an example of this concept

What is survivance?

(BONUS: name the person who coined this term!)


The term coined by Omi and Winant that they claim is defined by both social structures and cultural representation

What is a racial project?


The name for a preferential treatment program seeking to overcome socially and historically constructed inequalities

What is affirmative action?


A racialized cartoon mouse from the 1950s

Who is Speedy Gonzales?


In her study, Alcalde found that students (and others) unconsciously associated "brownness" or racialized people with this status

What is illegality?


This Indian Boarding school was the model for many Indian Boarding schools to follow

What is the Carlisle Indian Industrial School?


Sal Castro led this important student strike as a way to protest the unequal treatment of students in LA

What were the 1968 East LA Student Walk-outs?


He was the first Latino chancellor for UC-Riverside

Who is Tomás Rivera?


The supreme court case in California in 1854 which dealt with the issue of Chinese folks testifying in court

What is People vs. Hall?


After escaping slavery, this person set up the North Star Press in New York in 1847

Who is Frederick Douglass?


The National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media was started by this Native American activist

Who is Charlene Teters?


An important African American Mennonite leader who argued that one can't fight against unjust systems without engaging in the struggle for others

Who is Vincent Harding?


The LA Times and the LA Opinion--two news media companies--reported on this 1940s event differently

What were the Zoot Suit riots?


The supreme court chief justice of California in the 1850s

Who is Chief Justice Hugh Murray?


"Freedom gets built up over time—through a billion tiny, everyday acts," is stated by this professor in this podcast

Who is Dr. Kidada E. Williams in the Seizing Freedom podcast?


1830 is the year that this piece of legislation which authorized the removal of all Native American peoples easy of the Mississippi to Oklahoma was enacted

What is the Indian Removal Act?
