Name that Appeal
Name that Appeal Part II
Bonus 1
Bonus 2

The sad puppy commercial with Sarah McLaughlin music playing in the background. Makes you feel sorry for all those homeless puppies.

What is Pathos?


The veterinarian says that a german shepard will be a perfect match with our active lifestyle!

What is Ethos?


I'm not just invested in this community, I love every building, every business, every person that lives here!

What is Pathos?


Give an example of an Ethos appeal for 100 points


For 1000 points, either challenge the other team to guess an appeal of your choosing (if they guess it, they get the points) or challenge the other team to do an appeal that you must guess correctly for the points.


Pantene commercial where models all shake their shiny, pretty hair and dance around. They are models, they are shiny hair experts!

What is Ethos?


Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from 5 other nations with space programs, suggests that moon colony is viable with international support.

What is Logos?


You know me- I've taught Sunday school at your church for the last 30 years! You can trust me to babysit your child!

What is Ethos?


Give an example of an Logos appeal for 200 points.


For 1,000 points, either challenge the other team to guess an appeal of your choosing (if they guess it, they get the points) or challenge the other team to do an appeal that you must guess correctly for the points.


McDonalds commercial where famous singers all are sitting around and singing, "I'm loving it" and they are all skinny and laughing and having a great time.

What is Pathos?


Don't get stuck without unlimited data and text! Switch now to our unlimited plan and save big!

What is Pathos?


3 out of 4 mothers recommend our product and use on their own children.

What is Logos?


Give an example of a Pathos appeal for 300 points.


For 1,000 points, either challenge the other team to guess an appeal of your choosing (if they guess it, they get the points) or challenge the other team to do an appeal that you must guess correctly for the points.


9 out of 10 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste.

What is Logos?


The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year after year. In spite of market declines in other areas.

What is Logos?


A politician is advertising in your town to be the mayor. He says he was born in your neighborhood and knows what is best for you, your friends and family.

What is Ethos?


Make an argument against school uniforms using logos


For 1,000 points, either challenge the other team to guess an appeal of your choosing (if they guess it, they get the points) or challenge the other team to do an appeal that you must guess correctly for the points.


Mr. Clean stands in a spotless kitchen with a pretty lady wearing a perfectly starched, pristine, white apron. They are holding a magic eraser.

What is Ethos?


Doctors all over the world recommend this type of treatment.

What is Ethos?


Smoking will cause your teeth to turn yellow, don't smoke!

What is Pathos?


Make an argument for a four day school week using Pathos and Logos


For 1,000 points, either challenge the other team to guess an appeal of your choosing (if they guess it, they get the points) or challenge the other team to do an appeal that you must guess correctly for the points.
