Concept that describes how mental illnesses have multiple factors causing and maintaining them throughout their trajectory.
What is "Multi-Cause Multi-Maintained"?
Neurotransmitter thought to be implicated in depression and anxiety due to the effectiveness of SSRI drugs.
What is serotonin?
Model of mental illness etiology that involves a predisposition (load the gun) and a triggering event or circumstance (pull the trigger).
What is the diathesis-stress model?
Disorder with a cognitive component of etiology involving a negative bias that affects thought processes, expectations, and attributions.
What is depression/MDD/PDD?
Problem with brain structure theories where we presume that the findings of imaging work fully explain the etiology of mental illnesses (hint: hiking through Zion is different than looking at a map of Zion).
What is the Map Is Not the Territory problem?
An event or series of events, often happening during childhood, that are often cited as the background or cause for dissociative disorders.
What is trauma?
Problem with brain chemistry theories where we assume that the effectiveness of psychopharmaceuticals implies that neurotransmitters account for disorders, and that's all there is to it.
What is the intervention-causation myth?
Disorder with a biological component of etiology involving alleles on genes -- having a short allele more than doubles the risk of this disorder if triggered by a major traumatic event.
What is depression/MDD/PDD?
Error that attributes the cause of mental illness to stable, internal characteristics only.
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
Theory that suggests we might be evolutionarily predisposed to phobias.
What is preparedness theory?