What happens when suddenly without explanation withdraws all communcation from someone they were dating or talking to?
Texting doesn't replace what?
Who should you not talk to online?
If church starts at 12 what time should you arrive at the building?
Before 12! Be seated and ready to go at 12.
What is the proper way to ask someone on a date?
Calling them or asking them in person
When behind the wheel what should you never do with your phone?
shouldn't text while engaged in other activities that require their full attention
Everything you post is ___________ whether you delete it or not.
It doesn't matter whether or not you delete the post: if you've published it, it's traceable. Plus, when you post things online, you're creating a digital footprint.
When a lesson is being taught and the teacher ask a question you should __________ in the lesson.
When on a date what is something you shouldn't have out?
Cell Phone
If you are angry or mad at an indiviual what is something you should refrain from doing on your phone?
Texting the person or posting on social media.
Give yourself time to cool down and think things through before texting or posting things you might regret.
How does the "golden rule" apply to social media?
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Speak with and treat someone online as you would speak with and treat him/her face-to-face.
This is something you do to help you learn and feel the spirit during church.
listen and pay attention.
What is a way you can get to know someone on a date?
Asking questions
What are some times or places that you should refrain from texting? (must get 3 correct)
during class, at church, dinner, the movies, a friend's, during work, and other public settings.
When posting a picture or video of another person the best practice is to get their ___________ before posting.
Don't post a picture of people online without their consent. Even if you do have their consent, make sure that the picture isn't inappropriate (better yet, don't take inappropriate pictures).
When a reading from the teacher is having the class read from the scriptures what should you do?
Have your scriptures open to the right section and participate in the reading.
How should you properly end a date?
Walk them to the door.
What is phubbing? And why shouldn't we do it?
Texting another person or paying attention to your phone when you are spending time with friends or other companions.
It's rude at any age and can hurt feelings. You want to pay attention to the people around you and make them feel valued.
What information should you never share online?
Personal or Confidential Information
Never share your full name, home address, phone number, Social Security number, passwords, school's name, names of family members, or credit card numbers.
What is something you can do to enhance your experience at church before going?
Come prepared by studying come follow me.