Though this screening features a romance between a young man and a young woman, the fandom prefers to ship the two central female characters together.
What is the Legend of Korra
This person accepts the dominant meanings of a text and is trained to read their media the "right" way.
What is a disciplined/respectful/bourgeois reader
According to Patrick Davison's "The Language of Internet Memes," a meme is composed of three components: the manifestation, the behavior, and this, the base concept or idea the meme conveys.
What is the Ideal
Two of several characteristics of postmodern aesthetics
What is Pastiche, Parody, Remake, Reference, or Affect/Feeling
This quality of producerly texts invites fans to "fill in the gaps" left by it.
What is textual poverty
This young Youtube star produces videos in which he plays and comments on video games, including a rather silly bread simulator.
Who is Pewdiepie
This is the Marxist concept whereby the meaning of products become divorced from the labor that produced them, taking on new meanings from things like marketing, popular use, and public discourse.
What is commodity fetishism
This author discusses Latinidad, ambiguous whiteness, and the Fast and Furious franchise.
Who is Mary Beltran
We used this documentary to discuss how and why certain kinds of fandom violate social norms more than others.
What is King of Kong
This is one of the two fundamental qualities of a meme (note, this is different from the three structural components of a meme)
What is malleability and replicability
Unlike its more discussion-based counterpart, this image- based web community is often coded as feminine.
What is Tumblr
This term for a short, easily transmissible piece of culture comes from Richard Dawkins book on genetics, The Selfish Gene.
What is a meme
According to Fiske, these kinds of texts are excessive, have gaps, and are both complex and obvious.
What are producerly texts
We discussed this artist's music video as a way to understand producerly texts - especially with respect to oralized language and excess.
Who is Demi Lovato (Confident)
This term for a longing affection for the past used to be an actual medical diagnosis in the 18th and 19th centuries.
What is nostalgia
This screening is both an example of self-reflexive, postmodern critique and an argument on how to spoil the broth.
What is Too Many Cooks
This is the fan practice wherein popular consumers change and transform materials that are not theirs in order to make them speak non-authorized meanings.
What is textual poaching
This author discusses fans as poachers and nomads who reappropriate cultural material for their own use.
Who is Jenkins
We discussed these two screenings as a way of understanding how popular texts represent what it means to be American with different ideological assumptions.
What is The West Wing and House of Cards
This term describes the collection of Internet technologies and platforms that shifted emphasis toward user-generated content, horizontal connection, and self-publication.
What is Web 2.0
This screening is marked by a strong sense of multiculturalism in which the heroes generate a raceless utopia.
What is 6 Fast 6 Furious
This is the legal doctrine that states as long as the usage is both limited and transformative, copyrighted material can be repurposed in new creative works
What is fair use
Jay Rosen wrote this short piece as a manifesto addressed to the big media corporations who he argues need to adapt to a new paradigm of popular consumption.
What is "The People Formerly Known as the Audience"
This term for authorized, official fictional content often becomes a key battleground in the fight over a text's meaning between fans and producers.
What is canon
This is the tool of the bourgeoisie that classifies some fan practices as normal and others as strange and even potentially threatening to the social order.