When this is lit outside of the Tabernacle it means Jesus is inside?
The candle or Sanctuary lamp
Who do a gentile one of these before saying Amen when receiving communion?
What is bow?
The Gold Box behind the Alter where consecrated communion is kept?
The Tabernacle
We make this with our hands when we receive communion?
What is a throne for Jesus?
Bread becomes the?
This holds the host during adoration.
What is the Monstrance?
Father does this to the bread to wine to make it become the body and blood of Jesus?
Wine becomes the?
You cannot receive communion if you have these on your soul?
What are Mortal Sins?
What is Holy Thursday?
The name of the person who took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.
Who is Jesus?
This is the place Catholics go to have their sins forgiven.
What is confession?
We do this when we first enter the pew at church and again when we exit the pew for the last time during mass?
The name of the cup that holds the precious blood?
What is the Chalice
Three days after Jesus died.
What is Easter Sunday?
Another name for receiving the Eucharist.
What is Communion?
His last supper
What we say after Father says "The Body or Blood or Christ.
What is Amen?
Another name for the table usually in the center of the church where Father blesses the bread and wine?
What is the Altar?
The day Jesus died.
What is Good Friday?
All Catholics must receive this at least once a year.
What is Receiving Communion?