Eukaryotes have a ___________ which distinguishes them from prokaryotes
What is a nucleus
Prokaryotic cells are similar to eukaryotic cells because they contain _________
What is DNA
All eukaryotic cells are unicellular organisms
What is FALSE
Name this cell
What is Eukaryote
Eukaryotes contain what four types of cells?
What are: animal, plant, protists, and fungi cells
Is a monkey a prokaryote cell?
All eukaryotic cells get their energy from the sun
What is FALSE
Name this cell
What is prokaryote
Eukaryotes have a very _________ structure
What is complex
What kind of cells fall under the category of prokaryotic cells
What is Bacteria
Prokaryotic cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells
What is TRUE
Name this cell
What is Eukaryote
Eukaryotes & prokaryotes are composed of _________
Where in the cell is the DNA located?
It floats freely in the cytoplasm
Bacteria are a type of prokaryotes
What is TRUE
Name this cell
What is eukaryote
What is the Greek meaning for eukaryotic
What is true
This slender, threadlike structure helps a prokaryote to move
What is flagella
ALL Eukaryotes have chloroplasts
What is FALSE
What is eukaryote
FINAL JEOPARDY Prokaryotes have three different shapes. What are they?
What are rodshape, spherical, and spiral shaped