Distributive Property
Word Problems
Tape Diagrams

What is the equation for the following array?




What is 3 X 4 or  12 ÷ 3 = 4?


4 x 4= ___

What is 16?


Ms. Lemus buys a tray of grapes for a party. There are 5 rows of 3 green grape bunches. There is 1 row of 3 red grape bunches.  

                       O  O  O
                       O  O  O     green grapes:  ____ X  3
Total apples:     O  O  O        
  ____ X 3         O  O  O
                       O  O  O

                       O  O  O         red grapes:  ____ X 3


                       O  O  O
                       O  O  O     green grapes:  __5__ X  3
Total apples:     O  O  O        
  __6__ X 3       O  O  O
                       O  O  O

                       O  O  O         red grapes:  __1__ X 3


Ms. Ramirez arranges all the math books into 6 equal groups of 4. How many math books does Ms. Ramirez have? Show a picture and multiplication sentence in your work. 

6 X 4 = 24   

She has 24 books. 


Mrs. Brandt's class plays a game. The class earns 4 points each time they answer a question correctly. The class earns 40 points playing the game on Monday. 

How many questions did the class answer correctly? Show a picture and division sentence in your work. 

40  ÷  4 = 10   

The class answered 10 questions correctly. 


What is the equation for the following array?

x  x  x  x  x

x  x  x  x  x

What is 2 x 5?


 6 X 2 = ____

What is 12?


Fill in the unknowns in the equation below to match the picture of the grapes in the previous question. Use the break apart and distributive strategy to find the total number of grape bunches Ms. Lemus bought. 

____  X   3 = ____ X  3  +  ___  X  3

6 X 3 = 5 X 3 + 1 X 3

6 X 3 = 15   +   3 

6 X 3 = 18 

Ms. Lemus bought 18  grape bunches. 


What does the product in the following multiplication sentence represent?

6 X 4 =24                                       She has 24 math books. 

The product is 24. 

It represents the total number of math books. 


Mrs. Brandt uses the equation  4  X  ____ = 40 to find how many questions the class answered correctly. Is her method correct? Why or why not?

Yes, her method is correct. I solved using division, but she is solving using multiplication.
The blank shows she is looking for a factor. 4 x 10 = 40, so she gets the same answer as 40 ÷ 4 = 10. Both show the class answered 10 questions correctly. 


Draw an array that shows 8 rows of 2. Write a multiplication sentence to represent the array and circle the factor that represents the number of rows.

O  O                           8 X 2 = 16
O  O
O  O
O  O
O  O
O  O
O  O
O  O


8 x 3

What is 24?


Nataly brings 6 more red grape bunches for the party. Show Nataly's red grapes on the picture from the first questions. Then, fill in the unknowns in the equation below to match the new picture. Solve to find the total number of grape bunches. 

___ X  3 = ___ X 3  +  ___ X 3

_8_ X  3 = _5_ X 3  +  _3_ X 3

8  X  3   =   15      +     9 

8   X  3   = 24

There are 24 grape bunches in all. 


Fill in the blanks below to complete a related division sentence. 

_________ divided by ________ = _____________

24 divided by 4 = 6


The class answered 5 questions correctly Tuesday. What is the total number of points the class earned on both days?

Monday:   4  x  10 =  40             Tuesday:  4  x  5 =  20

Monday + Tuesday  =  40 + 20 

                            = 60 

The class earned 60 points on both days. 


Draw another array that shows 2 rows of 8. Write a different multiplication sentence and circle the factor that represents the size of the row.

O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O                        2 X 8 = 16
O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O


18 ÷  2  =  ______

What is 9?


Use the distributive property to find the answer for the following equation.   

                       9  x  4 = _______

                9  X 4 =  (___ X ___)  + (___X ___)

                         X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X           5  X 4  =  20
                         X  X  X  X
9  X  4 = ____     X  X  X  X

                         X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X            4  X  4  = 16
                         X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X

9  X 4 =  (5 X 4)  + (4 X 4)

9 X 4  =    20     +   16

9 X 4  =   36


What does the quotient in the following equation represent?

24 divided by 4 = 6    

The quotient is 6. 

It represents the number of equal groups of math books. 


Jose decides to make his favorite lunch, grilled cheese! His recipe calls for 2 slices of cheese per one sandwich. He makes 7 sandwiches for the family on Friday. 

How many cheese slices does Jose use to make the 7 sandwiches? Draw a picture and write a multiplication sentence to find the total number of cheese slices he uses for 7 grilled cheese sandwiches for Friday.

7  x  2  =  14 

Jose uses 14 slices of cheese to make the 7 sandwiches. 


Explain the relationship between the following two arrays using number sentences and words

8X2=16                and                 2X8=16

The arrays have the same totals, (18) and they have the same factors (2 and 9). The factors switch places. In 9X2=18, the 9 is the number of rows, but in 2X9=18 the 9 is the size of the row. It's the commutative property!


28 ÷  4   =   _________

What is 7?


Use the distributive property to find the answer for the following equation.   

                       7  x  5 = _______

                7  X 5 =  (___ X ___)  + (___X ___)

                         X  X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X  X       5  X 5  =  25
                         X  X  X  X  X
7  X  5 = ____     X  X  X  X  X

                         X  X  X  X  X
                         X  X  X  X  X       2  X  5  = 10

7  X 5 =  (5 X 5)  + (2 X 5)

7 X 5  =    25     +   10

7 X 5  =   35


Mr. Clark arranges all the desks in his classroom into 8 groups of 4. How many desks are in his classroom? Show a picture and multiplication sentence in your work. 

8  X  4  =  32 

There are 32 desks in his classroom. 


Avery likes cupcakes! For her birthday party, she decides to get 12 chocolate cupcakes (shown in o’s) and 12 vanilla cupcakes (shown with x’s). Shown below. 

o o o o o o
o o o o o o
x x x  x x x
x x x  x x x

Use the break apart and distribute strategy to find the total number of cupcakes Avery has for her birthday party. 

______ x 6= (_____ x 6) + (_____ x 6)

Avery has ________ cupcakes.
