famous landmarks
european cuisine
european customs
european art
european geography

Nicknamed "The Iron Lady," this wrought-iron lattice tower dominates the Paris skyline.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


This flaky French pastry, traditionally filled with fruit preserves, is named after a crown.

What is a croissant?


In Spain, it's considered rude to refuse this offered gesture of hospitality, often accompanied by two kisses on the cheeks.

What is a toast with wine?


This Italian polymath is famous for both his art and inventions.  His iconic "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" are just some of his enduring works.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


Nicknamed "the Boot," this southern European peninsula is home to the Vatican City and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

What is Italy?


This ancient citadel in Athens, Greece, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered a landmark of democracy.

What is the Acropolis?


This creamy tomato-based pasta sauce originated in Naples, Italy, and is traditionally served with spaghetti.

What is Marinara Sauce?


Every year on this national holiday in France, people celebrate by storming a replica of a medieval fortress and sharing a meal.

What is Bastille Day?


This Spanish artist, famous for his cubist paintings, co-founded the Cubist movement with Georges Braque.

Who is Pablo Picasso?


Dotted with scenic fjords and home to the Northern Lights, this Scandinavian country is known for its Viking history.

What is Norway?


 Home to the British royal family, this famous palace features over 700 rooms and Buckingham Gate.

What is Buckingham Palace?


This creamy Spanish rice dish features saffron, seafood, and often chicken.

What is paella?


 This traditional Italian New Year's Eve dinner features lentils, believed to bring prosperity in the coming year

What is Cotechino con lenticchie (Lentils and sausage)?


This 15th century painter used meticulous detail and invented a revolutionary oil-painting technique.

Who is Jan van Eyck?


This small island nation, located just off the coast of France, is known for its dramatic cliffs and unique wildlife, including puffins.

What is Iceland?


 This world-famous clock tower in London chimes every hour with its deep, familiar sound.

What is Big Ben?


This cured raw ham from Italy is typically served in thin slices and often paired with melon.

What is prosciutto?


In some parts of Germany, on birthdays, the celebrant is expected to stand on a chair and be swatted with a bundle of birch twigs.

What is Schminken (Whipping)?


This Spanish artist's surreal dreamscapes, featuring melting clocks and distorted figures, challenged traditional notions of reality.

Who is Salvador Dalí?


Straddling both Europe and Asia, this mountain range forms a natural border between the two continents.

What are the Ural Mountains?


 Sitting atop a former acropolis, this ancient Greek temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major tourist attraction in Athens.

What is the Parthenon?


This thick, flavorful Hungarian stew is slow-cooked with meat, vegetables, and paprika.

What is goulash?


In many European countries, it's customary to greet strangers with a handshake and maintain eye contact.  However, in some cultures, a simple nod or bow is considered more respectful. Name a country where a handshake might be seen as too forward.

What is Bulgaria (or other cultures where bowing is preferred)?


Nicknamed "The Little Master," this Dutch artist painted vibrant self-portraits and domestic scenes bathed in golden light.

Who is Johannes Vermeer?


This mountain range, a natural barrier between France and Spain, is famous for its challenging cycling climbs, including the Alpe d'Huez.

What are the Pyrenees?
