What are the coordinates of Oslo, Norway
59N 10E
What economic activity covers London, England?
What climate covers the U.K.?
Moderate, rainy summer
What is the population density of London, England?
Over 1,250
What are the coordinates of London, England?
51N 0W
What are the coordinates of Madrid, Spain?
40N 3W
What economic activity surrounds Iceland?
What climate covers Madrid, Spain?
Dry, some rain
What is the population density of most of Iceland?
Under 2.5
What are the coordinates of Luxembourg, Luxembourg?
49N 6E
What are the coordinates of Tirane, Albania?
41N 19E
What economic activity covers the northernmost point in Finland?
Nomadic Herding
What mountain range covers Switzerland, Northern Italy, and Western Austria?
What is the population in the southernmost part of Ukraine?
What are the coordinates of Warsaw, Poland?
52N 21E
What are the coordinates of Lyon, France?
45N 5E
What economic activity shows up as the furthest West visible economic activity?
Fishing:Off West coast of Iceland
What is the climate in the southern most point in Moldova?
Continental, long summer
Less than 2.5
What are the coordinates of Hamburg, Germany?
53N 9E
What are the coordinates of Graz, Austria?
47N 15E
What economic activity covers Vilnius, Lithuania?
What is the name of the highest point of elevation in Spain?
Mulhacen, 11,424 ft
What is the population density of the furthest East point of Spain?
Over 1,250
What are the coordinates of Florence, Italy?
43N 11E