What country is a peninsula shaped like a boot?
How many countries are currently a member of the European Union?
What major sea is found south of Italy?
Mediterranean Sea
The plague was carried by fleas and...?
What European city is home to the Eiffel Tower?
What country is found between Spain and Germany?
Which country voted to leave the European Union in 2016?
The United Kingdom
What mountain range splits Asia and Europe?
Ural Mountains
What is the name of the bacteria that causes the Bubonic Plague?
Yersinia Pestis
What two colors are included on Switzerland's flag?
Red and White
What country is famous for its Fjords?
What is the name of the common currency created by the European Union?
The Euro
What mountain range is Mount Elbrus a part of?
The Caucasus Mountains
What were the blood filled blisters called that were a side effect of the Bubonic Plague?
The ancient Olympic games were held in which Greek city?
What is the largest country located entirely in Europe?
When was the European Union founded?
What water feature separates the island of the U.K. from mainland Europe?
English Channel
Approximately how many Europeans were killed by the Bubonic Plague?
25-50 Million
Which European country is known for windmills and tulips?
The Netherlands
Which country is the smallest in Europe?
The Vatican City
What two countries came together to form the European Union?
Germany and France
What river is a boundary between Germany and France?
The Rhine river
When did the Bubonic Plague reach Europe?
Which European city is visited the most by tourists each year?