The Lewis and Clark expedition was exploring the land recently bought from the _______ ________?
Louisiana Purchase
What was diplomatically significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
They established relations with many different tribes.
What two animals were part of the Montana fur trade?
Beaver and Bison
Other than hides/pelts, what part of the Bison was valued by Americans?
True or False:
Emily encourages others to come find places to mine out West.
"I never would advise anyone to come to a new mining country"
What specific geographical feature are Lewis and Clark trying to find on their expedition? (Hint: It didn't actually exist.)
The Northwest Passage
What was scientifically significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
The discovered many different species of plants(178) and animals(122).
For what two reasons did the beaver trade decline?
Silk and Extermination of the beaver.
Why did Manuel Lisa leave Montana?
Native attacks on the trading posts
-Lack of Religion
-Exorbitant Prices
-Drunken Men/Lack of Law Enforcement
-Risk of Mining Claims
What is the main river that Lewis and Clark travel on?
The Missouri River
What was politically significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Manifest Destiny
They system by which trappers would meet to sell furs and buy supplies yearly is called what?
The Rendezvous System
What is the name of those with mixed European and Native descent?
The Métis
Name two things that Edith and the miners and Bannack were worried about when settling the area.
-Brutal Winters
-Native Attacks
-Depletion of the Mines
What is the name of Lewis's dog?
What was geographically significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
They created maps that would help people cross the Rockies.
What main trade good were the tribes trying to get from Americans?
How did Bison get brucellosis?
They caught it from the cows brought over by the Europeans/Americans.
Who primarily profited from mining?
Merchants or Suppliers.
What is the significance of Toussaint Charbonneau to the expedition?
His wife is Sacagawea.
What was culturally significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
It shows how travel will become an important part of American culture.
Signs of the melting pot America will become.
Describe an something the fur companies did that shows their ruthless and cutthroat tactics.
-Mass Extinction of Bison
-Using Native Americans as Mercenaries
-Price Gouging the Trappers in the Rendezvous System
What is the name of the fur company that purchases its own shipping fleet?
The American Fur Company
Why does Emily wish for Pagodas and Mosques when she is a Christian?
She believes that any religious structure is better than none.