What were the four colonies in North America?
What was the conflict of the French and Indian war?
Who claimed the East coast? 2 Answers
The Netherlands and England
What was the English's first permanent colony?
What were Virginia and New York known for?
Commerical for profit
Who was Jacques Cartier?
Claimed St. Lawrence River and present day Canada for France
Who allied with the French?
Native Americans
Who took over Quebec, gaining control over Canada?
The British
How did the Jamestown settlers die?
Starvation and Disease
What were Georgia and South Caroline known for?
Gifts from King of England
Which nations fought to acquire the profitable sugar?
The European Nations
What was the Treaty of Paris?
It ended the French and Indian War, France ceded all of Canada and East Mississippi to Britain
Who claimed present day Texans in Florida?
What was the other group of English settlers?
What were Massachusettes,Pennsylania,and Maryland known for?
Set up havens for percecuted religious groups
What country claimed nearly half of North America?
How long was the French and Indian War?
Who had the most land?
Native Americans
Who were Piligrims?
People who rejected the Chruch of England
What were the Middle Colonies known for?
Grew lots of grain
The 1700s
What was the end result Treaty of Paris?
France regained sugar islands in Caribbean, LA territory went to Spain, and France got the slave trading outposts in Africa
Who claimed present day and Canada and central day US?
The French
How did the Native Americans help Plymouth?
They taught them to grow corn and help them survive the new climate
What was New England known for?
Farmers,recreated village life,fishing and timber,and ship building