Basic Ideas
Columbus/Columbian Exchange

Who were some of the famous explorers during the Age of Exploration?

Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Henry the Navigator, Vasco de Gama, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, etc. 


Who was Henry Hudson, and what was he searching for?

Henry Hudson was an English navigator and explorer in the early 17th century. He made several voyages in search of a northeast passage to Asia, financed by the Dutch East India Company and the English Muscovy Company. Later, he explored the region that would later be named after him, Hudson Bay, in present-day Canada, while searching for a northwest passage to Asia.


Who was the first explorer to reach “the America’s”

Christopher Columbus


What was the name of the three ships that Columbus sailed with on his first voyage?

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria


What was the Renaissance? What does it mean?

Renaissance means "rebirth". It was a period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth”


What were the "Three G's" that motivated many explorers?

Gold, God, Glory


Who was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe, and what was the name of his ship?

Ferdinand Magellan


Who was living in the Americas before the Europeans arrived?

Native Americans/American Indians


Where did Columbus land when he reached the Americas in 1492?

Bahamas, Cuba, Hispanola


What famous event in European history preceded the Renaissance?

The Middle Ages


What was the Treaty of Tordesillas, and why was it significant?

The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494 between Spain and Portugal, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two countries along a meridian. This treaty was significant because it aimed to resolve conflicts over newly explored lands by Columbus and others, ultimately shaping the colonization patterns in the Americas and affecting global geopolitical dynamics for centuries.


What was Vasco da Gama known for?

He was the first European explorer to reach India via the sea


Why are the Americas called “The Americas”

The land was named after Amerigo Vespucci


Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus's voyage to find a new trade route to Asia?



Discuss the impact of the printing press on the spread of Renaissance ideas.

The printing press allowed for a more widespread and open exchange of ideas because of the amount of printed material that could be shared


What was the Northwest Passage, and why did explorers want to find it?

The Northwest Passage is a sea route through the Arctic Ocean, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans along the northern coast of North America. Explorers sought to find it as a potential shortcut for maritime trade between Europe and Asia, which would significantly reduce travel time and avoid the long and dangerous journey around the southern tip of South America via the Strait of Magellan


Who was Hernán Cortés, and what did he accomplish?

He was a Spanish Conquistador who conquered the Aztec Empire 


What impact did European exploration have on the American Indians/Native Americans

European exploration had a profound and often devastating impact on Native American communities. It led to significant population declines due to introduced diseases, displacement from ancestral lands, and violent conflicts. Additionally, European colonization disrupted traditional cultures and economies, leading to long-lasting socio-cultural and environmental changes. There were some benefits like new types of food and crops


What was the Columbian exchange?

The Columbian exchange was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, precious metals, commodities, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the New World in the Western Hemisphere, and the Old World in the Eastern Hemisphere, in the late 15th and following centuries.


Who were the Medici family, and what role did they play in the Renaissance?

They were a wealthy family living in Italy during the Renaissance. They are famous for paying and supporting artists to create artwork


What are positives and negatives of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange, marked by the transfer of plants, animals, and culture between the Old and New Worlds, offered benefits such as increased agricultural diversity, economic growth through expanded trade, and cultural exchange. However, it also brought devastating diseases to indigenous populations, led to displacement and colonization, and caused ecological disruption through the introduction of non-native species.


Discuss the contributions of Juan Ponce de León to the exploration of Florida and the myth of the Fountain of Youth.

Juan Ponce de León made significant contributions to the exploration of the New World by leading the first recorded European expedition to Florida in 1513, naming it "La Florida" and claiming it for Spain. While he is famously associated with the search for the Fountain of Youth, historical evidence suggests that this myth likely emerged later and was not the primary motive for his explorations.


Describe life in the Americas before Europeans

Indigenous peoples lived in varied environments, from dense forests to vast plains, and developed rich cultures with sophisticated political structures, trade networks, and agricultural practices. They built impressive cities and structures, such as the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán and the Incan city of Machu Picchu, and had deep spiritual and artistic traditions. Their societies were adapted to their local environments, with economies based on farming, hunting, and fishing.


What were the main goods traded on the Columbian exchange?

The Columbian Exchange facilitated the exchange of goods between the Old World and the New World. From the Americas, items like maize, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa were introduced to Europe, while the Old World contributed goods such as wheat, rice, coffee, and horses to the Americas. This exchange of goods reshaped diets, economies, and cultures on both continents.


Explain how the Renaissance challenged traditional religious beliefs and institutions.

The ideas that emerged during the Renaissance, such as humanism, helped to fuel the spread of Protestantism. By questioning established institutions and doctrines, the Renaissance laid the foundation for a religious transformation (Protestant Reformation) 
