Motivations for Exploration
Portuguese and Spanish Exploration
Dutch and Portuguese Trading
About Ms. Doss

What were the three main motivations for European Exploration?

Gold, Glory, God


When did Columbus discover America



The portuguese established a trade empire in the East by defeating who?


What was the era we just finished talking about?

The Renaissance


How many siblings do I have?



What event in the Middle Ages helped ignite Europeans want for more wealth and resources (ex: spices)

The Crusades


Which Portuguese explorer sailed all the way around the tip of Africa to India

Vasco Da Gama


What was the Dutch's trade company called

The Dutch East India Company


What new Technology allowed for explorers to sail against the wind?

Triangular Sails


I went to Berryville from k-12th grade: True or False



Explain what each of the three motivations means

God- spread christianity

Gold- gain wealth

Glory- gain honor and prestige among other contries


Where did Columbus actually land and where did they think he landed

The Carribean and India


Which group controlled trade routes between Europe and East Asia prior to European exploration

The muslims


The Renaissance contributed to the Age of exploration by fostering a spirit of...

Curiosity and adventure


What is my Bachelor's degree in?



"I know you will be happy to hear about the success of my journey, so I am writing to tell you that in just thirty-three days, I sailed from the Canary Islands to the Indies with the ships given to me by the great King and Queen. I found many islands with many people living there, and I claimed all of them for the King and Queen by raising their flag. No one protested. The first island I found, I named San Salvador, to thank God for this success. The local people call it 'Guanahani.'”

What was Christopher Columbus' major motivation for exploring as noted in the letter above?

To claim land and spread Christianity


What year was the Treaty of Tordesillas passed



The Dutch along with their large fleet of ships were highly successful in the trade empire due to the establishment of what?

The Dutch East India company


Hostility between the Christians and the Muslims was caused by what event?

The Crusades


Who is my favorite women's basketball player to watch?

Caitlin Clark or Paige Beuckers


"I know you will be happy to hear about the success of my journey, so I am writing to tell you that in just thirty-three days, I sailed from the Canary Islands to the Indies with the ships given to me by the great King and Queen. I found many islands with many people living there, and I claimed all of them for the King and Queen by raising their flag. No one protested. The first island I found, I named San Salvador, to thank God for this success. The local people call it 'Guanahani.'”

The "royal standard" Columbus refers to in his letter symbolizes which aspect of the historical context of European exploration?

The direct involvement of European monarchs in exploration


What was the Treaty of Tordesillas (what was the line called, who got each side of the line?

It was a treaty between portugal and Spain to help settle disputes over exploration. The Line of Demarcation was drawn giving Spain rights to everything west of the line and Portugal rights to everything East of the line.


"On the 20th of May we arrived off Calicut. We were received in a friendly manner by the king, who inquired what we sought. We told him that we had come in search of Christians and spices. His reply was that there were plenty of such commodities in his country. On the following day, the king of Calicut sent for us and we went to the city, where we were well received and conducted to a large building, and there he told us to open our wares. We showed him all our goods, but he said that these things were of no value in his country, and that he wanted gold." 

In the beginning, how were explorer’s generally treated by Indigenous cultures?

Early interactions between Europeans and Indians were largely peaceful and diplomatic


"On the 20th of May we arrived off Calicut. We were received in a friendly manner by the king, who inquired what we sought. We told him that we had come in search of Christians and spices. His reply was that there were plenty of such commodities in his country. On the following day, the king of Calicut sent for us and we went to the city, where we were well received and conducted to a large building, and there he told us to open our wares. We showed him all our goods, but he said that these things were of no value in his country, and that he wanted gold."

What does Vasco da Gama's statement, "We had come in search of Christians and spices," suggest about the dual purpose of his voyage? 

His mission was both religious, to spread Christianity, and economic, to establish trade.


What will I be watching this Sunday Night?

The Chiefs V. Falcons
