Who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa?
Bartolomeu Dias
What tools uses the position of the stars to help navigate
What did exploration lead to between continents?
Cultural exchanges
What was one route that the explorers sought to find
Sea route to Asia
What is one example of a cultural exchange that occurred due to exploration
Which explorer is known for conquering the Aztec Empire
Hernan Cortes
What device helped explorers determine direction
Name one new food that was introduced to Europe from the Americas
corn, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, squash, chili peppers, and cacao
Name one trade good that was exchanged during this period
How did exploration affect indigenous populations
It often led to colonization and conflict
What was Christopher Columbus attempting to find when he sailed west in 1492
A route to Asia
Before modern technology, what was the one of the main dangers of exploration?
Lack of accurate maps
What major competition arose as a result of European exploration
Competition for colonies
What did Vasco de Gama achieve in 1497?
First to reach India by sea route
What was one major cultural impact of the exploration on European societies?
Introduction of new ideas and goods
Who explored the North America coast and claimed land for England?
John Cabot
Name one way explorers used ocean currents to aid their navigation
To find faster routes across the sea
How did exploration changed world maps
New territories were discovered and mapped
Why were trade routes important for European powers?
They controlled commerce and wealth
Name one way European arts were influenced by exploration
New themes and subjects in art
Which French explorer is known as the "Father of New France"
Samuel de Champlain
What type of maps were essential for explorers during the Age of Exploration
Nautical maps
What was a major economic impact of the Age of Exploration
Creation of new trade routes
Which explorer's route around Africa opened trade with India?
Vasco de Gama
What role did religion play in the cultural exchange during exploration?
Missionaries often traveled with explorers to convert indigenous people