Portugal and Spain
Christopher Columbus!!!

what was the cause of European sea explorations? 

the fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Turks 


did the Portuguese get to India and China using the African route  and if they did what did they do after 

they succeeded  and they planted colonies and forts along the African coast and they protected the route from other European explorers


when did Christopher Columbus sail the ocean blue? and where did he think he was and what did he actually discover 

in the year 1492 and he thought he was in  India but he actually discovered America


what explorer sailed for England and what did he explore the coast of and why did England not set up colonies and trade routes 

John Cabot and he explored the coast of Greenland, New Foundland (Canada) and New England and England did not set up colonies or trade routes because they were not ready 


who and what did the Pope help what did it avoid  and what was the resolution  

the Pope helped with the line of Demarcation= equally dividing the globe btw. what Spain could colonize and what Portugal could this avoided a war and is why Brazil speaks  Portuguese but the Rest of Latin America speaks Spanish Portugal=east =Africa+Brazil in south America, Spain=west=all the rest of America  


what year did Constantinople fall and to who did it fall to?

in the year 1453 and it fell to the Muslim Turks


who sailed around the tip of Africa in 1488 and what is that tip of Africa called and is the sailor Portuguese 

Bartholomeu Dias and the tip of Africa is called the Cape of Good Hope and he is Portuguese 


who and why hired Christopher Columbus to sail the ocean and who funded his trip across the Atlantic ocean  

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand hired him to explore a route across the Atlantic Ocean to India and China has never been done before did it because the Reconquista was done they also funded his trip 


who was America named after and what did the person do and was the person an explorer 

America was named after Amerigo Vespucci he was an Italian who wrote fictional stories about the new world his stories were so popular that the new continent was named after him not a explorer but he went along for the ride (sailed on the voyages )


who conquered the Aztecs and who helped him and what was the Aztecs capital changed to and in what year did he conquer 

Hernan Cortez he was a Spaniard led Spanish conquerors to conquer Mexico from the Aztec Empire in the year 1521 many Mexican tribes helped Cortez overthrow the Aztec conquerors they changed Tenochtitlan to Mexico City   


why did the fall of Constantinople start European explorations? 

Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. had been trading with India and China and to get there they passed through Constantinople and when the Turks took over they imposed a heavy tax and the other countries wanted a tax free way to get there 


who sailed all the way around Africa to India and is he Portuguese 

Vasco De Gama, yes he is 


what were the 3 ships he sailed called 

the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria 


who explored Florida and why and who claimed Florida and what was the first settlement and how long did Florida remain in the claimed thing "grasp"

in 1513 Ponce De Leon he is Spanish he was looking for the fountain of youth the Spanish claimed Florida the first settlement in Florida was St. Augustine Florida belonged to Spain until the 1800 


what happened on December 12 ,1531 

apparition  of our lady of Guadeloupe as an Aztec Women speaking  Nahuatl to Juan Diego after thousands of Aztecs willingly convert to Catholicism  


who was the first to explore the African route to India and China 

the Portuguese 


who helped finish and when did the reconquista end  

king Ferdinaid of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castille marry and unite their kingdoms in Spain and finish the Reconquista in the year 1492 


why and with who did Christopher Columbus make a deal what was the deal and who did they meet after they finished sailing 

the crew refuses to go farther part way through the voyage Columbus gets them to agree to 3 more days on the 3rd day they see land meet peaceful and savage indians (Caribs=cannibals)


who was the first European to to see the Pacific Ocean and  what was he looking for and what did he cross 

Vasco Nunez De Ballboa  he crossed the Isthmus of Panema on foot an isthmus = narrow piece of land that connects 2 larger chunks of land he was looking for a water route through America to get to India didn't find one 


who conquered the Incas in Peru 

Francisco Pizarro in the year 1531


why did Spain not go to sea right away

they were busy trying to reconquer its country back from the Muslim moors is called the Reconquista    


why was Spain able to devote time and resources to finding their own trade  route to the east 

the reconquista was done 


what was the Columbian exchange and what are some examples 

it was movement of living things between hemispheres brought about by the European discovery of America aka as an exchange between the old world and the new world 

ex. from America to Europe tomatoes, potatoes chocolate, tobacco from Europe to America horses,cattle, pigs, peaches ,oranges, bananas,coffee, and disease especially smallpox     


whose crew was the first to make a round the world voyage what was his goal what was named after him how did it help him  how and where did he die what ocean was he the first to sail what did they reach and who did they claim it for 

Ferdinand Magellan crew his goal was to discover a waterway around America to India the straits of Magellan was named for him strait= narrow body of water connecting 2 larger bodies of water were dangerous narrow, rocky, and stormy let M avoid sailing South Americas Cape Horn sailed across the Pacific Ocean ran out of food reached the Philippines claimed them for Spain which is why the Philippines is such a Catholic Country M was killed in a battle btw. to native tribes his crew finished the voyage across the Indian Ocean around Africa and back to Spain first round the world voyage 


name 7 explorers 

Vasco Nunez De Ballboa, Bartholemew Dias, Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Ponce De Leon, Vasco De Gama 
